Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck - 1549 Words

Not only did the 1930s see the Great Depression, where America faced severe economic downturn, but it also brought the Dust Bowl. Due to overzealous agriculture practices, the soil of the Great Plains turned to dust and blew away, sending many people away with it. With all of the turmoil, many Americans fell back on religion. The novel The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck chronicles the fictional Joad family, giving a harsh, yet realistic depiction of the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and the journey from Oklahoma to California. On their travels, the Joads bring along the former preacher, Jim Casy, who often serves as a voice for Steinbeck’s attitudes towards religion. Throughout the novel, Steinbeck critiques characters who display blind devotion toward religion, enjoying its ease and simplicity, and favors those who are able to think for themselves and benefit in meaningful ways from their religion. Steinbecks pitfalls of blind devotion, especially its tendencies towards isolation and lack of human connection, are exposed through his depiction of the character Mrs. Sandry. While the Joad family stays in a government camp in California called Weedpatch, the oldest daughter, Rose of Sharon, who is now pregnant, encounters Mrs. Sandry. Mrs. Sandry is a deeply religious, but somewhat odd and misfit woman who lives at the camp. She takes the time to warn Rose of Sharon about sin taking place around them. At the end of their conversation, she leaves Rose of SharonShow MoreRelatedThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck Essay1622 Words   |  7 Pages The Grapes of Wrath John Steinbeck, widely viewed as one of the most finest and powerful American writer, born to a middle-class family in 1902 in the Salinas Valley of California. Steinbeck is a writer who often spoke for the people. The Grapes of Wrath is a great movie, published in 1939, filled with many universal truths and views on human nature and society, especially where class is concerned. In the article, John Steinbeck The Grapes a wrath: A Call to Action says, â€Å"Steinbeck’s novel showcasedRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1075 Words   |  5 PagesKirsten Lloyd Mr. Eldridge AP Junior English 21 August 2014 Grapes of Wrath â€Å"Sometimes even to live is an act of courage.† (Seneca), In the 1939 novel, The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck, the reader accompanies the Joad family as they struggle to escape the crippling Dust Bowl of the mid- 1930’s. In hopes of establishing a new life for themselves after being forced off their land the family embark on a journey from Oklahoma to California in search of fruitful crops and steady work alongRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1563 Words   |  7 Pages John Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, depicts a migrant farming family in the 1930s. During this time, life revolved around the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, making circumstances difficult for almost everyone involved, especially those who had little. This time of drought and despair caused people to lose hope in everything they’ve ever known, even themselves, but those who did not, put their hope in the â€Å"promised land† of California. Here, the grass was thought to be truly greenerRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1189 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Grapes of Wrath† Shortly after being released John Steinbeck’s book â€Å"The Grapes of Wrath† was banned because many critics viewed the novel as promoting communist propaganda, or socialist ideas. The ideas that many of these critics point to is Steinbeck’s depiction of the Big Banks/ Businesses as monsters, the comparison of Government camps to a utopia in contrast of the makeshift â€Å"Hoovervilles,† and the theme of the community before the individual, In his novel â€Å"The Grapes of Wrath† John SteinbeckRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1093 Words   |  5 Pages In John Steinbeck s The Grapes of Wrath, Tom Joad and his family are forced from their home during the 1930’s Oklahoma Dust Bowl and set out for California along with thousands of others in search of jobs, land, and hope for a brighter future. The Grapes of Wrath is Steinbeck’s way to expound about the injustice and hardship of real migrants during the Depression-era. H e utilizes accurate factual information, somber imagery, and creates pathos, allowing readers connections to the Joad’s plightRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1190 Words   |  5 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath April 14th, 1939, John Steinbeck published the novel, The Grapes of Wrath. The novel became an immediate best seller, with selling over 428,900 copies. Steinbeck, who lived through both the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl, sought to bring attention to how families of Oklahoma outdid these disasters. Steinbeck focuses on families of Oklahoma, including the Joads family, who reside on a farm. The Joad family is tested with hardship when life for them on their farm takesRead MoreThe Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck702 Words   |  3 PagesJohn Steinbeck’s use of the intercalary chapters in The Grapes of Wrath helps weave the reader’s sympathy of the Joad family into a more broad sympathy for the migrant farmers as a whole, in the hopes that the readers would then be compelled to act upon what they have read. During the Great Depression, people had a big disconnect about what was happening in various parts of the country. People often struggle to find sympathy for events when they can’t even visualize a person who is suffering throughRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck2144 Words   |  9 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath is a well-known beloved novel of American Literature, written by John Steinbeck and published in 1939. Whoever said a road is just a road has not read The Grapes of Wrath. From the time we read when Tom Joad, novel’s protagonist, returns home after four years in prison; the meaning of roads changed. Route 66, also known as the mother road the road of flight, was a lifeline road, which allowed thousands of families to pursue their hopes and dreams. This road is also the road thatRead MoreThe Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck1014 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Steinbeck’s novel, The Grapes of Wrath, was first written and later published in the 1939. Fr om the time of its publication to date, the exemplary yet a simple book has seen Steinbeck win a number of highly coveted awards including Pulitzer Prize in 1940 and later on Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962. Set at the time of the Great Depression, the book most remarkably gives a descriptive account of the Oklahoma based sharecropper Joad’ poor family in the light of economic hardship, homelessnessRead MoreThe Grapes Of Wrath By John Steinbeck1064 Words   |  5 PagesThe Grapes of Wrath, originated from a John Steinbeck’s book, a legendary film that focus on a major point of American history. The story follows the Joad family on their journey to California trying to survive the hardships. This film, focus on the social problems of America like the Dust bowl, The Great Depression, and industrialism. The Grapes of Wrath was filmed in a journalistic-documentary style, which displayed the realism of the epidemic in the thirties. The thirties the period The Grapes

Friday, December 20, 2019

Freuds and Rogers Theories of Personality Psychotherapy

Freuds and Rogers Theories Personality Psychotherapy A comparison of Freud and Rogers theories of personality and psychotherapy Personality is the description of an individual through how the individual demonstrates his or her emotions and building relationship and their behavioral patterns. Two neurologists developed two theories to explain the formation of personalities. They were neurologist Sigmund Freud and psychologist Carl Rogers. Rogers and Freud worked in the field of psychotherapy dealing with positive mental well-being. Rogers gained popularity on the way he approached therapy: the client had a more direct function in the therapy while the therapist played a minor role. On the other hand, Freud is popular for his performance of the unconscious mind (Ryckman, 2008). Carl Rogers, Sigmund Freud and Albert Ellis are very common names for committing a huge impact in the field of psychotherapy in the twentieth century. Currently, many articles are debating on the striking variations in the therapeutic system. Therapies centered on individual, psychoanalysis, and Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) are deeply linked in critical theoretical differences regarding the significant nature of the personality of the client. The stand of Ellis, Rogers, and Freud on three fundamental issues in the theory of personality, certainly relevant for psychotherapy practice is evaluated and completely analyzed. The fundamental issues are the potential of critical personalityShow MoreRelatedHistory and Theory Essay973 Words   |  4 PagesHistory and Theory The viewpoints if Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers have similarities and differences. Both have made significant contribution to the psychology field. The theories from Freud and Rogers are still used in modern psychology. Freud is best known for creating psychoanalysis and Rogers is renowned for developing the person-centered therapy. The subject of this paper pertains to Freud’s and Rogers’ views of their respective theories, how different their theories would be ifRead MoreA Summary of the Psychodynamic Theory and Sigmund Freuds Ideas1826 Words   |  7 PagesIt is difficult to summarize psychodynamic theory without a brief discussion of Freud. Sigmund Freud is the father of psychoanalysis, the father of psychodynamic theory, and in effect the father of modern psychotherapy. Freuds notions retain quite a bit of popularity, especially his ideas that things are not what they seem on the surface. Because of his understanding of the mind and behavior, Freud considere d that overt behaviors were not always self-explanatory (or perhaps not often explanatoryRead MoreDescribe How Current Counselling and Psychotherapy Practices Emerged from Psychiatry and Psychology.1226 Words   |  5 Pagesand psychotherapy practice emerged from psychiatry and psychology. Use critical evaluation of theoretical evidence to support discussion points. 2, Analyse the similarities and differences between psychotherapy and counselling practices using evidence, aims and objectives relevant to practice and therapeutic need. Counselling and psychotherapy are very different areas of speciality than psychiatry or psychology. Yet it is from these two health practices that counselling and psychotherapy practiceRead MoreComparing Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Person-Centered Psychology1735 Words   |  7 PagesPsychodynamic Psychotherapy and Person-Centered Psychology The counseling profession has a broad spectrum of possibilities when it comes to choosing which psychological approach to take. The field of counseling takes many forms and offers many career options, from school counseling to marriage and family therapy. As there are numerous styles in existence, it is important to be aware of the many approaches available to take. For my research two psychological approaches, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Person-CenteredRead MoreThe Father Of Person Centered Therapy And Humanistic Psychology1420 Words   |  6 PagesCarl Rogers is widely known as the father of person-centered therapy and humanistic psychology. He quietly revolutionized counseling theory and practice with his basic assumptions that â€Å"people are essentially trustworthy, that they have a vast potential for understanding themselves and resolving their own problems without direct intervention on the therapist’s part, and that they are capable of self-directed growth if t hey are involved in a specific kind of therapeutic relationship†. Rogers wasRead MorePsychodynamic Psychotherapy And Person Centered Psychology Essay1527 Words   |  7 Pagespsychological approaches, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy and Person-Centered Psychology, will be critically analyzed and discussed in depth in order to compare the techniques as well as effectiveness of each. Foundation of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy was developed by Sigmund Freud during the Victorian Era in Vienna, Austria. Sigmund Freud’s psychological works set the base for the profession of psychology as well as the practice of modern psychotherapy. Freud believed human behaviorRead MoreThe Theory Of Personality Psychology1292 Words   |  6 Pages Personality psychology is a branch of psychology that focuses on the differences between people’s behaviors in terms of patterns, cognitions, and emotion. Personality psychology has been around for centuries, since Hippocrates’ Four Humors. Personality psychology has taken on many forms and has continued to develop throughout the centuries. Personality psychology is also developed with and from other fields of psychology like child development, behavioral, cognitive, and few others. PersonalityRead MorePersonality Is A Of A Coherent Picture Of An Individual948 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Æ' Personality is a branch of psychology that focuses on the construction of a coherent picture of an individual and his or her major psychological processes and the individual differences that make up a personality. Personality is defined as the set of emotional qualities, ways of behaving, and thinking patterns, that makes a person different from other people (Miriam-Webster 2014). Sigmund Freud was among the first to delve deeper into the human minds. By observing patients with nervous disordersRead MoreHumanistic Psychology Essay1631 Words   |  7 PagesThe focus of this paper is the person-centered approach, which is the understanding of personality and human relationships in psychotherapy and counseling in the areas of client-centered therapy, education of student-centered learning, organizations, and other group settings. Even though psychoanalysis and behaviorism have made major contributions to psychology, it has influenced the understanding and practices of the humanistic m ovement, specifically with the therapies for the different mental disordersRead MoreComparing and Contrasting Psychoanalytic and Existential/Humanistic Perspectives4364 Words   |  18 PagesThis essay is about comparing and contrasting two out of the eight personality theories commonly used to decipher one’s personality. Those two are the psychoanalytic perspective and the existential/humanistic perspective. Both perspectives are equally important as they play a major role in understanding personality in different ways and explaining them as well. Freud’s psychoanalysis helps us to understand the individual’s personality from its early years right up to adulthood while existential and

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Pycho by alfred hitcock Essay Example For Students

Pycho by alfred hitcock Essay PSYCHOA running theme that is presented to the audience in Psycho is the opposition that exists between good and evil. This is shown throughout the movie among the different characters. Examples can also be taken from conflicts within the characters. Certain conflicts and how the characters deal with them and each other are what shape the structure of the movie. The perception that the audience receives of the characters change throughout the movie by the different conflicts that arise. These conflicts show the audience many sides of good and evil portrayed by the different characters. One of the first impressions of evil in this movie is the character Tom Cassidy. His character is an affluent middle aged gentleman.He portrays society’s perception of America’s upper class, snobbishly rich. Cassidy flaunts his money in Marion’s face. He talks of his eighteen-year-old daughter who is getting married the next day. As her wedding gift he is buying her a house with forty thousand dollars cash. He claims that she has never had an unhappy day in her life. Though this is unrealistic, he proudly boasts about how his money is to thank for this. Another thought from Mr. Cassidy is that money does not buy happiness, but it buys off unhappiness. His interaction with Marion was brief but very vital to the next turn of events. Mr. Cassidy asked Marion point blank if she was unhappy. Her reply â€Å"not inordinately† shows that she is not completely happy with her life(Hitchcock). The major source of her unhappiness is the fact that she can not marry he r beloved Sam until he gets his feet on the ground financially. She then takes Mr. Cassidy’s advice on using money to buy off her unhappiness by stealing his money. Marion never makes a clear-cut decision. Packing her suitcase suggests that she has decided to go through with taking the money.People are able to commit acts they know are immoral only if they inhibit their conscious processes (Rothman, 262). Leaving the money on the bed while she packs suggests that she is unsure of her decision. Forcing herself to just â€Å"do it† she packs her car and leaves, heading for Sam’s hometown. While stopped at a stoplight she sees her boss and Mr. Cassidy crossing the street. This is the first sign to Marion that her attempt to steal the money is futile. Her thoughts are becoming less and less rational and more and more desperate. When she is awakened by the police officer she is once again reminded of the futility of her situation. At this point the audience is drawn towards Marion’s flight. They want her to succeed. Her goals have become the viewers’ goals. With Marion, the audience loses all power of rational control, and discovers how easily a â€Å"normal† person can lapse into a condition usually associated with neurosis. After her encounter with the cop, Marion quickly loses her ability to think rationally.She starts to imagine conversations, and kno ws that Sam will never accept the money. This fact itself shows that her sense of logic is gone. A rationally thinking person would have realized that she would never get away with the crime.As Marion drives on into darkness rain begins to fall heavily. The viewers’ begin to feel as Marion does, hopeless and weary. Her endless journey takes a turn due to an illumination on the side of the road. Marion exits her car at the Bates motel and finds a deserted office. She then turns to discover a large Transylvanian type house on the hill above the motel. A shadow is seen walking past an upstairs window, then a young man is then seen running down the stairs to greet her. He introduces himself as the proprietor of the motel, Norman Bates. As he is checking her in the two begin to converse. Norman finds out that Marion is very hungry. He offers to fix her dinner in the kitchen of the house on the hill. He shows her to her room and tells her to make herself comfortable. He said he would return once dinner was done. As Marion is left alone to unpack she hears a quarrel between Norman and his mother. The impression left by this first appearance of Norman’s mother is that of an overprotective old-fashioned woman. Arts Impact on Society EssayRecognizing the woman’s handwriting, he again questions Norman who then begins to back away from the answers he had given previously. Getting some of the answers that he desired he leaves the motel and calls Lila and Sam from a pay phone. He proceeds to explain that Marion had been at the motel earlier in the week, but had only spent one night and had left early the next morning. Deciding that he needed some more questions answered, he told Lila that he was going to return to the motel but that he would meet them within the hour. Returning to the motel, he encounters no one. Seeing a shadow in the upstairs window, he begins the ascent to the house on the hill. Finding the front door unlocked, he enters. Once inside the house, Aborgast sees a staircase leading to the upstairs bedroom. As he reaches the top of the staircase, Mrs. Bates emerges from the room yielding a knife. After being stabbed, he falls down the stairs where Mrs. Bates proceeds to stab him to death. After more than an hour had passed Lila finally convinced Sam that Arbogast would not just go on without letting them know. She is convinced that something happened and that they need to go check out the Bates motel themselves. When they check into the motel they pretend to be married. They devise a plan to corner Mrs. Bates. Sam detains Norman in the office while Lila searches the house. Once inside the Bates’ home Lila sneaks around carefully. She finds Mrs. Bates bedroom where everything is in perfect order, as if its been a long time sin ce its been used. The audience can almost smell the stale air that envelops the room. Lila then finds her way up to Norman’s room. You get the impression from his room that something is not right. The room looks like it belongs to a young boy and not to a grown man. After a careful search of the upstairs Lila still has not located Mrs. Bates. So she heads downstairs to look for her. As she does this she sees Norman running frantically for the house. She steps into the fruit cellar for a place to hide. Instead of finding a sanctuary she is terrified by the skeletal remains of an old woman. With this finding Lila cannot control herself and she screams aloud. With this a woman with long white hair runs down the cellar steps towards Lila with a huge knife. Sam screams right before the woman has a chance to harm Lila. A battle of strength between Sam and the woman then takes place. During the struggle a wig is knocked off of the woman’s head revealing Norman. The audience i s in disbelief at this point. The next scene takes place at the police station. Where a psychiatrist is busy talking to Norman. When he is done examining Norman he goes into the room where Lila and Sam are anxiously waiting. He then describes in detail what is going on in Norman’s mind. After his explanation the movie goes into the room where Norman/Mother is sitting alone. There is a fly in the room with her and she knows that people are watching her. Her last thought that the audience hears is her saying â€Å"Why she wouldn’t even harm a fly† (Hitchcock).

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Tesol Methodology free essay sample

In this essay I am going to give some explanations taken from different books about what a method in second language teaching is. After that I am going to explain in a brief way, what in my opinion a method is. Furthermore, I am going to set my theory in a very specific context; culture, country, education, system, characteristics of the learners†¦ Moreover, I am going to define two different methods: The grammar-translation method and the direct method. And I am going to provide my personal opinion about those methods. Also I am going to explain why I have chosen them according to my own experience as learner. Besides, I am going to take some features from the two methods explained before and I am going to combine them to create what I consider a more useful method. And to conclude, I am going to give a summary of the paper, and of the conclusions I have reached at the end of it. The concept of method in language teaching is the idea that there is a collection of teaching practices based in a determined theory of language and of language learning. According to Richards and Rodgers’ (2001: 20) definition: ‘A method is theoretically related to an approach, is organizationally determined by a design, and is practically realized in procedure’. Personally, I think that a method in language teaching is a program that all teachers should follow to teach a language. Each program is based on the different sections of language teaching such as reading, writing, listening and grammar. Some methods that nowadays are being applied are: the Grammar Translation Method, the Direct Method, the Audiolingual Method, Community Language Teaching, the Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Total Physical Response, and the Natural Approach. Each of those methods is applied in a different context. Depending on the necessities of the students, the teacher could apply one or other method. If the student wants to improve grammar, the teacher may use the grammar translation method. If the student wants to improve communication, the teacher may use the direct, the audiolingual method, the suggestopedia method or the natural approach. Along the history of language teaching there has been a great debate about the differences between method and approach, some teachers believe that there is no difference between method and approach and that both merge in just one category; method. According to Richard and Rodgers (2001: 20): â€Å"Approach refers to theories about the nature of language and language learning that serve as the source of practices and principles in language teaching. † On the other hand: â€Å"Design (Method) is the level of method analysis in which we consider (a) what the objectives of a method are; (b) how language content is selected and organized within the method, that is, the syllabus model the method incorporates; (c) the types of learning tasks and teaching activities the method advocates; (d) the roles of learners; (e) the role of teachers; and (f) the role of instruction materials. In my opinion an approach is a set of theories and principles about the nature of language, and a method (design) is the way you apply these theories and principles. This method is thought to be applied in secondary schools. The level of the students towards this method is going to be applied is intermediate level. The country in which this method is thought to be applied is Spain. The learners are going to have English as L2. The teachers are going to teach all the theory in English, but in some occasions they will use the mother tongue of the students. Because, although they understand the basic concepts in English, they do not have enough level to understand the whole lesson. The teacher will have to prepare in a great way his classes because he has to enjoy the student, to maintain their attention. In order to obtain their concentration, the teacher will use videos, internet†¦ GRAMMAR-TRANSLATION METHOD The grammar-translation method of foreign language teaching is one of the most traditional methods (late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries). It was originally used to teach dead languages (and literatures) such as Latin and Greek, and this has to do with its main aim to-wards written work to the virtual exclusion of oral production. This method was used for the purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language literature. Characteristics: 1. The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign language study. 2. Classes are taught in the students mother tongue. It is used to explain new items and to enable comparisons to be made between the foreign language and the students native language. 3. Reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening. 4. Reading of difficult texts is begun early in the course of study. Little attention is paid to the content of texts. 5. Vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading texts used, and words are taught through bilingual word lists, dictionary study, and memorization. 6. Vocabulary is taught in the form of isolated word lists. 7. The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice. Much of the lesson is devoted to translating sentences into and out of the target language, and it is this focus on the sentence that is a distinctive feature of the method. 8. Accuracy is emphasized. 9. Grammar is taught deductively- that is, by presentation and study of grammar rules, which are then practiced through translation exercises. Elaborate explanations of grammar are always provided. 10. The student’s native language is the medium of instruction. 11. Little or no attention is given to pronunciation. In my opinion the Grammar-translation method is a great one because the teacher uses the mother tongue of the students to teach the lesson. Personally I think that this is so important because when a teacher is introducing a foreign language to the students, they may feel uncomfortable and may not be receptive, whether if you teach the lesson in their mother tongue they can compare the words between the two languages and it is easier for them. Furthermore, it is essential for me the importance that this method gives to reading and writing. Because I think that the main issues that a student should study to know a language are reading and writing, and after that, he/she will understand everything of this language. DIRECT METHOD Towards the end of the late 1800s, a revolution in language teaching philosophy took place that is seen by many as the dawn of modern foreign language teaching. Sauveur and other believers in the Natural Method argued that a foreign language could be taught without translation or the use of the learner’s native language if meaning was conveyed directly through demonstration and action. According to Franke, a language could best be taught by using it actively in the classroom. Rather than using analytical procedures that focus on explanation of grammar rules in classroom teaching, teacher must encourage direct and spontaneous use of foreign language in the classroom. Teachers began attempting to teach foreign languages in a way that was more similar to first language acquisition. It incorporated techniques designed to address all the areas that the Grammar Translation did not namely oral communication, more spontaneous use of the language, and developing the ability to think in the target language. Classroom instruction was conducted exclusively in the target language. 2. Only everyday vocabulary and sentences were taught. 3. Oral communication skills were built up in a carefully graded progression organized around question-and-answer exchanges between teachers and students in small, intensive classes. 4. The learner should be actively involved in using the language in realistic everyday situations. 5. Students are encouraged to think in the target language. Vocabulary is acquired more naturally if students use it in full sentences rather than memorizing word lists. Grammar was taught inductively. 7. New teaching points were introduced orally. 8. Concrete vocabulary was taught by association of ideas. 9. Both speech and listening comprehension were taught. 10. Correct pronunciation and grammar were emphasized. 11. The teacher should demonstrate, not explain or translate. It is desirable that students make a direct association between the target language and meaning. 12. Lessons should contain some conversational activity—some opportunity for students to use language in real contexts. Students should be encouraged to speak as much as possible. In my opinion this method has some interesting ideas. I think that this method is addressed to a more concrete group of students with some specific necessities. For example for a group of students that want to improve their communication in the foreign language. Moreover I find this method so important because the lessons are explained in the target language, and the teacher uses images or objects to explain the words that the students do not understand. Personally I had an experience with this method, when I studied German for the first time. The teacher entered the lesson talking in German and no one understood anything and also we learned grammar inductively. Depending on the type of student and the necessities that they have I would take more features from one method than from the other. But for example, for students that know nothing from the foreign language I would take more features from the Grammar-Translation method. I would teach the lesson combining the mother tongue and the target language. Moreover, I would base the lessons on reading and grammar. Also I would choose texts that enjoy the students. Furthermore, I would make some exercises of speaking. Besides, I would teach vocabulary with images and objects, to make the lesson more interesting for the students and also I will introduce some videos or internet, to make the lesson fluent. But I will base my lessons in writing and reading. I would make exercises such as: -Dictation: The teacher chooses a grade appropriate passage and reads the text aloud. -Reading Aloud: Students take turn reading sections of a passage, play or dialog out loud. In this essay I have tried to explain what a method in second language teaching is. Besides, I have settled my own method in a specific context: country, students. And after that I have explained two methods that were interesting for me, giving my opinion and my experience about them. Furthermore I have compared both of them and also I have combined the best features of them into one method. In my opinion a method in language teaching is completely necessary, because a teacher can not use the same method with all the students. Depending on the age of the students and on their necessities the teacher should choose one or other, or even combine different ones. A teacher needs a method because he/she has to have a fixed lesson, he/she must to know what he/she wants to teach, and in what sections of language he/ she is going to focus on. There has been a lot of controversy along the history about the concept of method in language teaching; about the differences or similarities between the concept of method and approach. But in my opinion I think that there is a clear difference between them; an approach is a set of theories and principles about the nature of language, and a method (design) is the way you apply these theories and principles.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Summertime Essay Example For Students

Summertime Essay It was early dawn on a Friday morning, as the sun rises from the distant blue ocean we wait for daylight to breakout. My friend and I sat down on spot on the beach, as I focus closely at the surface of the waterfront the sand is very white, much like the winter snowflakes. As I look along the different points along the shore, the waves and ripples of the salty water crash upon various sections of the beach. These include a nudist section, a gay section, and a family section, I wasnt sure but there might have been a section reserved for nude, gay families. We will write a custom essay on Summertime specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now My friend and I unfolded our garden chairs and opened our cooler box in the family section of the beach. After putting on our sunglasses and lay on the sun block lotion, we popped open some cold beverages from a can. We then reclined back in our chairs to take in the clear, deep blue sky, the sea-green ocean, the red-hot sun and white sand. The pleasantly refreshing smell of the surf broke through the scent of the ocean mist. The cool breeze came towards us coming in off of the ocean water. The songs of the seagulls, and small children running about could be heard echoing around the beach. A few hours had past and we began to get restless, I immediately insisted that we abandon the area and move to another section of the beach. After about ten minutes of walking, we decided to rest as the scorching sizzling sun began to tear through the clouds. We sat down as I drove the palm of my hand through the white sandy beach, the sand grains were transparent like fine crystal grains. The nois e and activity of the family section of the beach was a distant blur to the east. We walked on the empty stretch of beach for another ten minutes until we had arrived. The twenty-minute walk had felt like a never-ending desert. We then sat back in our desired location absorbing the heat and ocean breeze. After another several hours of lounging and drinking on the beach, The air had gotten thick, moist, smelly and hot. It felt constricting and suffocating like being stuffed inside a giant kiln. The late afternoon blistering heat wave had past as sunset had almost arrived. As the sun was setting disappearing into the distance, the light began to darken. The colour of the white clouds became grayer, the sky began to look like the colour spectrum changing from one hue and tint to another. It had gradually become dark, the sun was no longer visible as the day drew to an end. Creative Writing

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Brothers in Arms essays

Brothers in Arms essays One of the greatest wars ever fought in our time is World War II; an ideal principle for humans freedom and equality. At a great scale, many men lost their lives and are recorded in many history books. From American to British and even Russian soldiers sacrifice their lives to stop a power of hatred against humanity. Though many are taught about the war, certain perspectives and details are often left out in our history books. In Brothers In Arms, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anthony Walton writes an epic story about forgotten heroes in World War II. The first all-black armored unit to see combat in this great, devastating war. A part of history in which you will never find in any recorded books about World War II. A discrimination in which is still present in our society to not include such heroes of color. This book recognizes the valiant efforts from this all-black unit who wanted to give their lives for their country; an attempt that will lead to the desegregation of the American military. This book presents a perspective from an all-black unit that went through discrimination from their training and even throughout the war; a fundamental story that should be included when World War II is mentioned. In the beginning of the book, the authors record about certain individuals that have close relation to their families. They focus mainly about these three individuals: Leonard Smitty Smith, William McBurney, and Preston McNeil. These heroes are introduced and summarized about how they joined the Army. Smith and McBurney wanted to pursue into the Air Corps, in which they would be denied because of their color. They would all eventually sign up for the Army and be assigned into the 761st Tank Battalion. These significance individuals would go through an intense training physically and mentally. Blacks were characterized as inferior in military tactics and equipment, so they would prioritize their skills to beyond sup...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

My proposal for a new system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My proposal for a new system - Essay Example iece of the proposal is to make health insurance affordable for all Americans so that it serves as an extension of social security in times of distress. At present health insurance coverage of American citizens is covered by their employers, which puts them in danger of losing insurance along with their jobs. With the global economic recession more acute here in the U.S., the country has seen unprecedented numbers of job losses in the last few months. Not since the Great Depression of the 1930s did the nation confront such a disaster. It is true that a comprehensive revamp of the healthcare system at a time of economic turmoil is not practically feasible. But research conducted by the Commonwealth Fund indicates that extending insurance coverage to all American citizens would only cost an additional $104 billion for the federal government. While this may seem a huge sum in isolation, it is significantly smaller compared to the $700 billion rescue plan that the new President got ratified by Congress. In other words, my proposal for a new healthcare system endorses the implementation of the promised â€Å"universal healthcare† plan of Barack Obama. Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman also supports this proposal and adds that â€Å"it is true that the cost of universal health care will be a continuing expense, reaching far into the future. But that has always been true†¦and the temporary expenses of his stimulus plan shouldn’t change that calculation† (Krugman, 2009). This $104 billion proposal for universal health insurance coverage would have the added benefit of stimulating the economy. In other words, the proposed tax-cuts as part of the Obama Administration’s stimulus package could instead be substituted with health insurance provisions for American citizens across the socio-economic spectrum, thereby solving two problems at once – health care and economic crisis. And more importantly, by virtue of being applicable across social, economic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Agile manifesto - what are the downsides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Agile manifesto - what are the downsides - Essay Example This is championed because collaboration is much more crucial than understanding process and tools. Another element that is propagated is working software OVER comprehensive documentation. One might argue that documentation is required to have a successful implementation of software is much important than documentation. However, real testing of software happens in QA in which prototyping occurs. Another issue that is prominent with Agile customer collaboration and negotiation. In the boom and busting world of technology, building an innovative products through blocks can be waste of time, resources and scope of work. This is achieved through regular iterations of work, known as Sprints which enhance the product as depicted by the team. It is clear to understand that Agile enhances the churn by reducing defects and defining the product resourcefully. The team evaluated by practicing this technique to steer the direction of the product via this methodology. When a team stops and re-eva luates the direction of a project every two weeks, there’s time to steer it in another direction without spending quality time. The last core principle can be answered via was clear that teams understood an opportunity to know the life cycle of the project and limit the cycle work to two weeks. This enables teams to develop a work cycle is limited to two weeks, and allows stakeholders have to examine defects in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

The influence of ideology on the formation of Soviet foreign policy Essay

The influence of ideology on the formation of Soviet foreign policy - Essay Example The notion of a political system led in its international behaviour by a particular set of operational and ideological rules rather than temporary concepts of state ‘concerns’ is usually hard for Westerners to comprehend. Many scholars would agree that the complicated procedures, strategies, and goals making up the official Marxism-Leninism principle have had some influence on the formation of Soviet foreign policy, even though there are critical debates over the extent of the relevance of ideological influence. For instance, the policy aim underlying George F. Kennan’s well-known article in 1947 defining the justification for what developed into the ‘containment policy’ (Evans 1993, 44) was clearly to force the Soviet Union to discard ideological frame of thinking and to develop into a more cooperative and pragmatic one. Kennan tried to accomplish this by challenging Soviet rulers with geostrategic facts which rendered the policies and analysis origi nated from the ideology appears inexpedient and bleak (Quimet 2003, 81). A main idea underlying the containment strategy was that a ‘non-ideological’, specifically ‘normal’, Soviet Union would be much more unproblematic to contend with in the post-war period, when continuous cooperation between East and West would make the conditions of international security and reconstruction that much simpler to accomplish (Yanowitch 1991, 65). Kennan in the end came to challenge the relevance of the ideological influence (ibid, p. 65)... ev regime, Hugh Seton-Watson, satisfactorily described the continuous Western discussions of the influences of Soviet foreign policy as an outcome of what he refers to as ‘either-or fallacies’ (Miller 1991, 2): The most widespread is the controversy between those who see ‘ideology’ as the main force behind Soviet policy, and those who give this place to ‘security’. It is our case that the two are inseparable, and there is no need to repeat the argument. Arising from this misleading ‘either-or-ism’ is the dispute, perhaps even more widespread, as to whether Soviet policy is ‘expansionist’ or ‘defensive’. It is both. Obsession with protection of frontiers and of strategic position leads to expansion, and each successful expansion creates new positions to defend (ibid, p. 2). The argument of this essay resembles Seton-Watson’s assumption. Ideology has consistently been a major influence in the formation of Soviet foreign policy, but definitely not the only one. Also, its influence has usually been indirect rather than direct. Specifically, rather directly imposing policies, it has functioned to form the goals and context of Soviet policymakers, as well as their views of such seemingly ‘normal’ priorities as ‘defence’, ‘security’ and the requirements for ‘peace’ (Miller 1991, 2); the influence of ideology being referred to, as in Seton-Watson’s statement cited above, represent quite evidently the ‘old political thinking’ (OLT) (ibid, p. 3) that is currently challenged by Gorbachev. The Ideological Influence The definition of ‘ideology’ is itself the centre of some disagreement, as well as the characteristic of its contribution in state decision-making. Ideology, as defined by one scholar, is a ‘preconceived set or

Friday, November 15, 2019

Reflection on Visit to China

Reflection on Visit to China Alex Naydenov Post-Trip Re-evaluation of Six Topics Introduction After visiting Beijing and Shanghai my existing perceptions of China not only changed but it helped me to view the world as a more mature person. I am no longer ignorant towards countries I have never visited and only knew from what I have read or researched. Prior to my visit, I believed that I had a pretty good understanding about China as a communist country with the fastest growing economy of the world. However, I was not prepared for the magnificent and mind-blowing views from the Great Wall and the Olympic Facilities, the delicious food, and the meaningful conversations with the local students we met. I was humbled to discover a culture that existed for over 4,000 years and people that are friendly and hospitable. As a result, I developed a deeper appreciation for the Chinese society, traditions, and way of life. Chinese Culture History and Impact on Chinese Business Today My perception about Chinese culture and history went on a whole new level when we had the opportunity to visit the Old Hutong area in Beijing and explore the local life and traditions. The walk along the alleys and the visit to a local house gave me a memorable glimpse of the traditional way of living and the sense of pride Chinese people carry for their cultural heritage. I felt that the Old Hutong represents a long period of history and it has become the living encyclopedia of the city that everyone deeply cherish. My cultural views about China continued to shape with the visit of other important landmarks in Beijing such as the Olympic Facilities, Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall. In Beijing modern architecture mixes harmoniously with the preservation of older buildings and historical places. At the moment I entered the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube and later the Tiananmen Square, I was surprised to discover just how modern China is. In fact, the urban areas in Beijing and Shanghai are somehow similar to Chicago or NYC with the glass skyscrapers, fashionably dressed people, and busy streets. However, what really took my breath away is the Great Wall. The place is not just a testament of a great engineering; it symbolizes the connection between the legendary past and present time and it made me realize the uniqueness of China. It suddenly put things into perspective of how old China is and how new the history of my country is. The Great Wall is a must see place if a person wants to experience the infinite sense of time, traditions and beauty, and even a sense of harmony. During my personal interactions with many students from Peking and Tongii Universities I learned first-hand that they deeply value integrity, loyalty, and hard work. Chinese students emphasized that the image you built for yourself throughout the years ultimately defines your future career development and success. Such observations were confirmed by AmCham presenters who also believed that honesty is one of the virtues greatly valued by the Chinese people. Many local businessmen run their business on the principle of honesty and hard work in order to establish their brand. Thus, learning to understand and appreciate local values becomes imperative for conducting a successful business with China. Government, Political, and Legal Environment Prior to my trip, I strongly believed that China’s government is very similar to the former Soviet Union and the political system is primarily authoritarian. I was really surprised to discover that although the communist party has been in power for over 60 years somehow the political environment has remained flexible and adapting to the changes. In reality, when the other communist systems crashed, China was able to survive many political turbulences and become a major economic power. However, there are still things that really bothered me during the visit, such as the restricted Internet sites. Many important social media sites and search engines which I take for granted in the United States have been blocked in China. In my conversation with local students they have expressed mixed opinions about the existing political system. A few were optimistic that the new party leader Xi Jinping will help the economy and stop the corruption, while others preferred to change the subject. Nevertheless, all of the college students focused on the fact the communist government controls every aspect of their lives with tight censorships. They also commented that in addition to blocking social media websites the government has many levels of control over everything that is going on online for example deleting blogs if found inappropriate. Prior to the trip, I believed that the Legal System has been a major accomplishment for the communist party because China has put in place strict laws that prevents the rise of monopolies. It also modernized the existing tax system that held accountable for due taxes everyone from the regular employees to major corporations. However, I find some facts about the criminal justice system in China quite disturbing. The country has a very high conviction rate of 99%, which clearly shows that something is wrong with the system. For instance, the police has enormous power and the advancement of the officers depends on how many convictions they help to obtain, thus they resort to any measures to get a confession. I believe that If China wants to be respected in the world’s arena, the existing criminal justice system needs to be in line with the international norms and all citizens to be treated with dignity and respect. Economy, Globalization and Intellectual Property Rights in China In the past decade China’s economy grew substantially, however, the economy took a step back due to the global economic crisis. In my conversations with some of the Peking’s students they said that current economic strategy of the Party is to focus more on sustainable and high quality expansion rather than on the growth rate alone. They said that 7 percent GDP growth for 2014 was still an impressive number and the current economy was strong and resilient. The government strategy is to strengthen and expand the imports over the next five years in order to bring more opportunities for trade and cooperation with the rest of the world. In recent years, China has enforced laws to safeguard intellectual properties and rights. For example, foreign companies have to register their company trademarks in order to ensure that all of the rules are followed. In our visit to Cisco, an American multinational corporation, in Shanghai we had the opportunity to tour the facilities and touch base on various topics including the Intellectual Property Rights in China. In the past, Cisco has filed a lawsuit against Chinese network maker Huawei for unlawful copying, but in recent years China has strengthened its legal framework and amended its IPR laws in order to conform to the WTO Agreement. Banking, Finance, and Corporate Governance In the past decades, China’s banking system has grown from a single bank to a new modern system that includes four of the largest commercial banks in the world. The Chinese government continues to hold a key position in the management of the banking system, however, they have been successful in weathering a few serious finance crisis. I believe that the banking sector will continue to grow with China’s acceptance in the WTO and allowing for the foreign banks to participate. In addition, China needs to create friendlier regulations and taxes that will attract foreign and domestic investors. In recent years, China experienced an increased demand for second homes which stirred the real estate market and made investing in the housing very attractive, a cycle that can build the house bubble. I have witnessed the crisis of real estate in the United States and I know how dangerous bursting of the bubble could be for the people and economy. In order to control the real estate prices, the government put some purchase restrictions on residential properties, not allowing a second residence. Although, a bit drastic such intervention helped to contain the rising housing prices. However, many Chinese investors started to look at other alternatives such buying properties in the big cities of the United States and other parts of the world. In conversation with local students about the debt issue in United States and China, we come to the conclusion that the average American family owns bigger properties but their debt to income ratio is higher than that of the Chinese. I live in a large house, but I know that my parents constantly worry about their loans and possibility to lose their home if they become unemployed. In this regard, I believe that Chinese families maybe sleep better at night knowing that they will still have a roof over their heads if an adversity hits them. China’s Approach to the Global Financial Crisis When the global financial crisis hit the United States in 2008 it inevitably affected the rest of the world, including China. In order to protect the economy the government introduced a RMB 4 trillion stimulus package that would encourage the consumer spending and rebuild major infrastructures. Such financial strategy proved to be a success because it boosted the economy. The government also approved multiple tax rebates in order to help the exporting companies and aid the struggling economy to survive the financial crisis. During my visit to Beijing and Shanghai it was obvious that people took advantage of the program and bought new cars, housing, or started their own business. One of the Chinese students remembered the stimulus money and mentioned that her parents had the opportunity to buy a bigger apartment, because the interest rates were low and it helped to secure a very favorable loan, which was not possible in the past. U.S.–China Trade Issues The trade between the United States and China is an important part of the profits for both countries. At the moment, China is the third largest market for the American exports. However, there are some serious issues that put the trading relationship in jeopardy. I believe that the biggest problem hindering the interchange is that China is not a fully free market economy due to the communist regime. For instance, China does not have solid policies in place that would protect the international business partners. Another problem is that the American companies doing business in China do not receive an adequate protection of their intellectual property rights. United States has lost almost $4 billion in trade due to piracy and counterfeited goods. I had the opportunity to discuss with some of the Chinese students their views on the knockoff items that many Chinese companies produce and then export to the United States. They believe that the problem is really serious because the counterfeit industry is massive and it continues to grow. In addition, Alibaba the biggest online commerce, claims to be committed to crack down on the barter of fake goods on its platform, but as soon as one vendor gets blocked another one takes his place. I believe that the collective effort of the Chinese government, enforcing severe punishments, and the major internet distributors can help to contain the existing problem. Conclusion: My spring break to China, stripped away all the prejudices and stereotypes which I carried about the real life in China and gave me the opportunity of the lifetime to see some of the most amazing landmarks in the world. The real experience of China’s traditions and business interactions helped me to free my mind, learn to make better judgements, and identify my priorities in life.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Baldwins Notes of a Native Son Essay -- James Baldwin

In My Father’s Eyes The essay â€Å"Notes of a Native Son† takes place at a very volatile time in history. The story was written during a time of hate and discrimination toward African Americans in the United States. James Baldwin, the author of this work is African American himself. His writing, along with his thoughts and ideas were greatly influenced by the events happening at the time. At the beginning of the essay, Baldwin makes a point to mention that it was the summer of 1943 and that race riots were occurring in Detroit. The story itself takes place in Harlem, a predominantly black area experiencing much of the hatred and inequalities that many African-Americans were facing throughout the country. This marks the beginning of a long narrative section that Baldwin introduces his readers to before going into any analysis at all. Throughout Baldwin’s essay he strategically weaves narrative, analytical, and argumentative selections together. The effect that Baldwin has on the reader when using this technique is extremely powerful. Baldwin combines both private and public affairs in this essay, which accentuates the analysis and argument sections throughout the work. Baldwin’s ability to shift between narrative and argument so smoothly goes hand in hand with the ideas and events that Baldwin discusses in his essay. He includes many powerful and symbolic binaries throughout the essay that help to develop the key themes and principles pertaining to his life. The most powerful and important binaries that appear in this essay are Life and Death. The key themes of Baldwin’s essay are love, hatred, rage, and anger. These themes quickly transform into recurring strands that Baldwin applies throughout his essay. These ... ... in the last paragraph of the essay. Here, he experiences an awakening. By combining heart and hatred in the same sentence, Baldwin weaves the terms that were once binaries into strands. He makes the terms fit together, rather than making them clash. Baldwin says, â€Å"This fight begins, however, in the heart and it now had been laid to my charge to keep my own heart free of hatred and despair" (84). It is his duty to free his heart of any hatred and despair that he has experienced. He comes to realize that injustice is commonplace among mankind and that he must continue to fight it. The fight begins in his heart, implying that he must let his heart be free of hatred and despair before he can begin to fight. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.† 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discuss Ways in Which Edward Thomas Presents Memory in ‘Aspens’ Essay

Empty as sky, with every other sound No ceasing, calls there ghosts from their abode† Discuss ways in which Thomas presents memory in ‘Aspens’. In your answer, explore the effects of language, imagery and verse form, and consider how this poem relates to other poems by Thomas that you have studied. Memory is presented as either a way of life or a community of change, as demonstrated in ‘Aspens’, ‘Old Man’, ‘Aldestrop’. He does this through the variety of techniques such as change in form, use of imagery and alternations in the tone of each poem to explore memory. As well as this, Thomas explicates the devastation of emptiness due to the consequence of war, which is portrayed through the use of soft consonantal sounds or the use of sibilance to carry the silence through the poem as it does in the places described in each poem. Quatrain A, B, A, B combined with the iambic pentameter shows regularity in the stresses of the beat, which reflects the motion of the Aspens as they sway consistently in the breeze. Alternatively, the regularity in the rhythm could reflect the beat of the hammer of the Blacksmith’s, as mentioned in the second stanza to emphasise how the vignette was once active, busy and lively. This is also seen in the sonnet by Robert Frost, Acquainted with the Night, where iambic pentameter could have been used to reflect the constant depressive state the poet experienced at the time. This contrasts with another of Thomas’ poems, ‘Tears’, where his thoughts are disjointed and disorganised as he tries to recollect his memories. Thus the use of free verse and an 18 line stanza, unbroken, is appropriate as it reflects how he struggles to remember. Despite this, the whole stanza is in iambic pentameter but Thomas has used this technique in order to reflect what is going on in his memory. For example, the last 6 lines of the stanza regulate, as all are of the same length, which expresses the formality of the soldiers marching and their systematic organisation. In comparison, ‘Old Man’ has an irregular structure and this use of free verse conveys Thomas’ uncertainty in dealing with the subject of memory. It would be deemed applicable to say that the struggle to reminisce is present in ‘Aldestrop’ as Thomas uses the hyphen at the end of the first line to show the pause in his recollection, as seen similarly and previously in the first line of ‘Tears’ as the use of two hyphens portrays Thomas’ thought process. The theme of emptiness is seen throughout Thomas’ poems. The wartime poet writes of his memory of livelihood and activity in villages, such as the one described in ‘Aspens’, and then how it begins to disappear as a result of war. This is shown as the village is left with a ‘lightless pane and footless road’ causing the village to appear as ‘empty as sky’ and this simile gives a sense of vastness of the effects of the war, emphasising on the emptiness in the poem. Further, the mention of the ‘cross-roads to a ghostly room’ explicates that the village is so empty that it is leading nowhere. This metaphor is ironic as cross-roads are suggestively open gateways and a sense of choice in direction. However this connotation is altered as Thomas uses the metaphor ‘ghostly room’, to portray the vacant village and this is supported by the cross-roads as they lead to emptiness and isolation. This is also seen in ‘Old Man’ as the paradox ‘only an avenue, dark, nameless, without end’ gives a sense of no lead despite the fact that an avenue should lead somewhere. It is clear here that Thomas’ state of depression is reflected in this last line as the imagery conjures connotations of death, gloom and finality. The emptiness is also portrayed in ‘Aspens’ as Thomas describes the ‘ghosts from their abode’, which suggests he is referring to the ghostly memories of the village, comparing them to how things have changed. We also see emptiness in ‘Aldestrop’ as Thomas explains how the unexpected stop is ‘bare’. The reason for this could be because the train was not due to stop at Aldestrop; on the other hand it could indicate the effects of wartime, particularly desolation. Loss of memory is seen in many of Thomas’ poems through different ways. Edna Longley, critic, points out that the part of the mind that remembers is the same part of the mind that generates poetry- the subconscious and comments that in ‘Old Man’ ‘perhaps / thinking perhaps of nothing’ is a rhetorically cunning line break. The verb ‘think’ is central to the poem as is the verb ‘remember’. Particularly in ‘Old Man’ Thomas uses the metaphor ‘I have mislaid the key’ to present his attempt of recollecting his first memory of the plant, Lads-Love. He portrays this as tantalising as he can ‘think of nothing’ when sniffing the herb, which suggests he finds loss of memory as frustrating. This is shown from the anaphora of ‘no’ at the end of the poem as it rightly expresses that the more he tries to remember the less likely the memory will reappear, which further shows his frustration of struggling to regain his memory. Despite this, Thomas makes it clear that the memory brings him sentimentality and this is clearly important to him. He shows that although the smell of the bush is ‘bitter’ he admires the plant because it brings back memories of his daughter. In comparison, Thomas also mentions that names are important in ‘Aldestrop’ as ‘I remember Aldestrop -/ The name’ suggests that the name brings every detail for him. A sense of change in community is seen in various poems by Thomas, due to the effects of war. Most specifically, ‘Aspens’ shows clearly how vibrant and animated the village was once before through the onomatopoeic sounds ‘clink, the hum, the roar’ as they reflect the vivacity that was once present before the war. This is contrasted as the silence is emphasised through the dominance of sibilance through ‘a silent smithy’ and ‘a silent inn’, which emphasises the hollow atmosphere. The silence is further shown by the sibilance in the penultimate line ‘ceaselessly, unreasonably grieves’, which allows the silence of the trees to continue through to the end of the poem. A sense of change is also seen in ‘Aldestrop’ as Thomas uses the metaphor of ‘all the birds’ to represent the people of England as they suffer from the effects of the war as a whole. The fact that Thomas mentions countryside towns such as Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire shows how much Thomas values traditional English scenery and therefore shows his devastation of the effects of war. Thomas uses lots of different techniques in order to portray memory through a communal change, emptiness and as a way of life. Through his language, structure and symbolism within his poems, the reader is able to understand Thomas’ thoughts about memory (those being that it is frustrating to have ‘mislaid the key’ and how memories can change over time) and relate their own experiences with Thomas’ due to his profound and truthful portrayal of memory.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Overcome Math Anxiety

How to Overcome Math Anxiety Do you feel a little flushed when you think about doing math homework? Do you think youre no good at math? If you find yourself putting off your math work or dreading math tests, you may suffer from math anxiety. What Is Math Anxiety? Math Anxiety is a type of fear. Sometimes fear is merely the dread of some unknown that lurks out there. How do you conquer this type of fear? You isolate it, examine it closely, and understand what its made of. When you do this, youll soon find that the fear goes away. There are five common factors and feelings that make us avoid math. When we avoid it, we lose confidence and then start building up dread and fear. Lets confront the things that cause us to avoid math! Im Just Not Cut Out for Math Sound familiar? Actually, there is no such thing as a brain type that makes one person better than another at math. Yes, studies show that there are different brain types, but those types just concern your approach at problem solving. Your approach can be different from another students, but it can still be just as effective. One factor that affects math performance more than any other is confidence. Sometimes a stereotype can make us believe that we are naturally less capable than others. Studies have shown that math stereotypes are not true! Interestingly, studies do show that positive thinking can improve math performance. Basically, there are two things that you can do to really and truly improve your math performance: Dont accept stereotypes about mathThink positive thoughts. If you are smart at any skill at all, then you can be smart at math. If you are good at writing or foreign language, for instance, that proves you can be smart at math. Building Blocks Are  Missing This is a legitimate cause for anxiety. If you avoided math in lower grades or you just didnt pay enough attention in middle school, you may be feeling stressed out because you know your background is weak. There is good news. You can overcome this problem easily by skimming through a textbook that was written for a level slightly lower than your current class. First, youll be surprised at how much you do know. Secondly, youll find there are only a few skills you need to practice before youre completely caught up. And those skills will come easily! Want proof? Think about this: There are many, many adult students who start college after being out of class for ten and twenty years. They survive college algebra by brushing up quickly on forgotten (or never acquired) basic skills using old text books or a refresher course. Youre not as far behind as you think you are! Its never too late to catch up. Its Just So Boring! This is a false accusation. Many students who like the drama of literature or social studies may accuse math of being un-interesting. There are many mysteries in math and science! Mathematicians enjoy debating approaches to long-unsolved problems. From time to time, somebody will discover the solution to a problem that others have sought for years. Math poses challenges that can be amazingly gratifying to conquer. Additionally, there is a perfection to math that cant be found in many places on this earth. If you like mystery and drama, you can find it in the complexity of math. Think of math as a great mystery to solve. It Takes Too Much Time It is true that many people suffer real anxiety when it comes to setting aside a certain span of time and committing to it. This is one of the factors that often leads to procrastination, and it manifests in people of all ages. For example, many adults put off tasks when they know they will have to devote themselves completely for an hour or two. Perhaps, deep down, were afraid well miss out on something. There is just a certain amount of anxiety or fear that comes with stepping out of our life for an hour or two and focusing on one specific thing. This explains why some adults put off paying bills or doing odd jobs around the house. This is one of those fears that we can overcome, just by acknowledging it. Realize that its normal to resist devoting an hour of your thoughts to your math homework. Then simply think your way through your fear. Think about the other things in your life that youll need to set aside. Youll soon realize that can do without them all for an hour or two. Its Too Complex to Understand It is true that math involves some very complex formulas. Remember the process for overcoming any fear? Isolate it, examine it, and break it down into little parts. Thats exactly what you have to do in math. Every formula is made of little parts or skills and steps that youve learned in the past. Its a matter of building blocks. When you come across a formula or process that seems too complex, just break it down. If you find that youre a little weak on some of the concepts or steps that make up one element of the formula, then just go back and work on your building blocks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Oral Report Tips for Speaking to Your Class

Oral Report Tips for Speaking to Your Class Does the thought of giving an oral report make you queasy? If so, youre not alone. People of all ages and occupations- even those with public speaking experience- feel the same way. The good news is that there are many things you can do to prepare and feel calmer during your talk. Just follow the tips below to gear up for a super performance. Tips for Presenting As with many things in life, delivering an oral report will be much easier if you take time to prepare for it. Preparation will give you confidence and help you focus on what matters when youre finally in the spotlight. Write your report to be heard, not read. There is a difference between words that are meant to be heard in your head and words that are meant to be heard out loud. Youll see this once you begin to practice what youve written, as some sentences will sound choppy or too formal.Practice your report out loud. This is very important. There will be some phrases that you will stumble over, even though they look simple. Read out loud when you practice and make changes to any phrases that stop your flow.On the morning of your report, eat something but dont drink soda. Carbonated beverages will give you dry mouth, and caffeine will affect your nerves and make you jittery. Stick to water or juice instead.Dress appropriately, and in layers. You never know whether the room will be hot or cold. Either could give you the shakes, so prepare for both.Once you stand up, take a moment to gather your thoughts or relax. Dont be afraid to give yourself a silent pause before you begin. Look through your pa per for a moment. If your heart is beating hard, this will give it an opportunity to calm down. If you do this right, it actually looks very professional, too. If you start to speak and your voice is shaky, take a pause. Clear your throat. Take a few relaxing breaths and start again.Focus on someone at the back of the room. This has a calming effect on some speakers. It may feel weird, but it doesnt look weird.Take the stage. Pretend youre a professional on TV. This gives confidence.Prepare an I dont know answer if people will be asking questions. Dont be afraid to say you dont know. You can say something like, That is a great question. Ill look into that.Have a good ending line. Avoid an awkward moment at the end by preparing a strong conclusion. Dont back away, mumbling Well, I guess thats all. Other Advice More generally, you can prepare for an oral report by deeply researching your topic and practicing your speech before a mirror or video camera. Know your topic well. If you feel confident about your knowledge, you will feel confident when it comes time to share that knowledge with others.If possible, make a practice video and watch yourself to see how you sound. Pay attention to your posture and tone of voice. If you have any nervous tics- such as saying um or ah- try to reduce them as much as you can.Dont pick the day of your report to experiment with a new style. It may give you an extra reason to feel nervous in front of a crowd.Walk up to your speaking location early to give your nerves time to calm down.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sustainable Talent Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Sustainable Talent Management - Research Paper Example The performance management comprises of various steps that are to be followed by the organization for the successful implantation of the performance management process. The first step involves the performance planning which a process of communication between the employee and supervisor to set up the effective planning for the performance. It also comprises of the expectation set related to the employee performance (Sadikoglu & Zehir, 2010). The next step that is to be followed is that of coaching that involves a two-way discussion focusing on the performance of the employees and recognizing the areas that can be improved to have a better performance of the workforce. The third step involves the multiple sources of feedback that the managers can gather from the customers that would be helpful for the improvement of the employee performance. Research suggests that there are various sources of the feedback can be collected such as from customers as well as self-evaluation. The fourth st ep involves the performance review that the organization can conduct based on the goals set by the organization and the development needs that can ensure better performance of the employees.  The performance management comprises of various steps that are to be followed by the organization for the successful implantation of the performance management process. The first step involves the performance planning which a process of communication between the employee and supervisor to set up the effective planning for the performance.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Tectonic work on Troppo and Glen Murcutt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tectonic work on Troppo and Glen Murcutt - Essay Example Tectonics was developed in response to a discussion set by Phenomenology. The idea was mainly used as a means for criticizing the modern technology. Tectonic architecture forms parables to other building constructions, and corresponds to values other than a scientific conceptual sphere. Tectonic architecture uses techniques of bearing structure to develop associations and Experiences1. Tectonics of industrial production and cultural Mass-production has led to building culture giving reputation to general standards and homogeneity to satisfy the final customer. With the computer era, the Computers have changed the means of working with building projects and architecture during the past. Troppo and Glen Murcutt are two architects whose work has been based on tectonic designs and one cannot fail to admit that they have some of the most outstanding designs from this form of architecture. Murcutt tectonic architecture Glenn Murcutt is one of the most famous people when it comes to the stu dy of architect designs on the tectonic platform. One cannot fail to recognize the talent bestowed upon him from his designs. One of his early designs in the late 1980’s that intrigues me by its simplicity yet remains to be an explicit design is the "Ball-East away House", at Glenore, Sydney2. This was a single story house with a beam platform. The house was made entirely out of steel frame with its side walls having timber. This is considered to be one of the greatest buildings to be ever designed in its time. An ordinary individual may fail to see the beauty behind the designed, but as architecture, every inch of the house designs is superb. Glenn had tectonics design in mind when he took his time to design the house. To begin with, Glenn has always had a tradition of using lightweight materials that would allow the design to come out alive. This is because lightweight materials are easy to bend to fit the design. Glenn uses corrugated iron sheet roof top because it would b e easier to form the curved roof structure. This aside he uses wood for the walls and floor because wood is light and easier to deal with as opposed to concrete, bricks or stones. Tectonics is all about merging ideas. Glenn constructs a modern design in a rural area and to ensure that the house is safe from natural forces such as water, the floor is raised and made of wood. In this design, Murcutt manages to blend in myriad details that make the final product a wonderful piece of art. This was a very nice building. Another of Glenn’s greatest tectonic designs of all times is that of the Magney house. This is one of the buildings that he explores the use of mass as an option based on the landscape. Murcutt has always used lightweight materials because they are very easy to work with and they create space even on very small lands. However, in the Magney house, he needed to create some caving and that made the use of mass necessary because they are larger. Their size gives room for play as opposed to thin materials. Glenn takes pleasure in playing with mass and light weight. In the Magney house he creates the cave by using mass for the walls and uses steel frame for the roof plane. This creates the sense of a floating roof3. In the sitting room, Glenn purposes the house for shelter and prospect by making it abstracted. He uses a parasol roof with clustered spaces taking the form of caves and a stretched plain flour. A similar design to this was that of the Laurie short

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation - Essay Example They seek to provide high quality goods at low costs through innovation. This factor together with wealth creation led to economic growth. Entrepreneurs seek to invest money in small and medium market enterprises. This leads the niche market to flourish and strengthen the economy. This is why a society only receives consideration of prosperity as to the degree to which it encourages and rewards entrepreneurship (Stel 2005 pg 18). In many liberal economies, entrepreneurship pursuit receives high priority as opposed to its consequences. However, careful evaluation reveals that this behavior creates a credit crunch that leads to financial turmoil. The economic and social impacts of entrepreneurial activity with no regulation lead to short-term benefits (Acz, 2010 PG 78). Yet, in the end national markets, economies, individual and firms suffer severely resulting into huge value destruction. This essay seeks to analyze the theory of entrepreneurship and its relation to the UK economy coming from recession. It will discuss different types of entrepreneurial activities. It indicates how each activity affects economic performance. Entrepreneurship before the recession was unregulated. This led to issues arising in the capitalist economies leading due to short-term profits and speculation bubbles. The entrepreneurs experienced adverse effects of economic factors beyond their control. These include limitation of amount of credit available, decrease in demand and reductions in confidence levels. This resulted in business closures, loss of employment and economic stagnation. The capitalist economy present at the time though highly adaptive and robust held a crisis between its relationships to the society (Stel, 2005 pg 124). The freedom it gave to an enterprise to engage in wealth creation and maximization was in contrast to the society expectation of responsibility. The old entrepreneurial theory receives its basis from the capitalist theory of growth.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Companions Are the Source of Much Grief for Odysseus Essay Example for Free

The Companions Are the Source of Much Grief for Odysseus Essay Odysseus, the strong, courageous, dedicated hero, travelled for miles on end to return to his home land of Ithica and to bring with him the twelve fleet ships carrying his loyal companions. However throughout this epic poem Odysseus’ companions have been the bearers of much grief for Odysseus, in many ways from questioning his leadership to simply dying in battle. And slowly during this epic poem each of his twelve fleet ships has been struck down. The stories of Odysseus’ companions begin from the very opening of book nine, on the coast of Ismarus home to the Cicones. Odysseus and his men â€Å"sacked the place and destroyed its men folk† after taking their women and their vast spoils, Odysseus warned his men to dispatch with haste. But they were not quick minded enough, and a tremendous battle broke out between Odysseus and his men and the Cicones. Seventy two of Odysseus’ men were brutally killed. We can see here that this would cause much grief for Odysseus and his remaining companions, for his men had made it through the battle of Troy and where rejoicing to be returning home to Ithica, now he would have to return to grieving families awaiting their heroes return and for some, now their hero’s would never return. This is a classic example of the kind of grief Odysseus feels throughout the epic poem, because this is how many of his companions have presented Odysseus with grief, through death. Whether it was falling in battle or devoured by a monstrous creature. For instance when, Odysseus and his remaining companions sailed to the island of the Cyclopes, where with twelve companions, he entered the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus. This giant devoured, one after another, six of the companions of Odysseus, and kept Odysseus and his other men as prisoners in his cave. Witnessing their loyal companion’s cannibalistic murders right in front of them Odysseus and his men â€Å"wept and raised their hands to Zeus in horror.† This again must have made Odysseus overridden with grief for not only did he watch his men be killed but he was the one that led them to this ferocious one eyed monster. Again he has lost more of his men which means more grieving families; at home in Ithica questioning the Gods for the death of their loved ones. However, death is not the only way that Odysseus is exposed to grief some of the monsters that Odysseus and his followers encountered would not kill his men but simply make them forget all longing for home, and the nostros that they were feeling. One of these monsters would be the Lotus-eaters, â€Å"a race that eat the flowery lotus fruit.† Some of his companions were so much delighted with the taste of this flower that they wanted to remain with the Lotus-eaters and think no more of Ithica. This must have caused much anguish for Odysseus as he did not know how to help his compelled comrades. But being the intelligent and strong hero he is he â€Å"used force to bring them back to the hollow ships, and they wept on the way† but once on board he tied them up and continued with his voyage. The sirens also allow men to forget their home for with their beautiful voices would sing bewitching songs to drive these men to their death. Luckily with the help of Circe the sorceress who told Odysseus that if he wanted to hear the sirens song and live that he should allow his men to tie him to the mast of his ship while they covered their ears with softened bees wax and steer the boat onward while Odysseus listened. Odysseus, in the epic poem has also encountered Companions that have questioned and mistrusted his leadership; this is that of Odysseus’ second in command of Odysseus’ ship during the voyage back to Ithica after the Trojan War his name was Eurylochus. In the Odyssey he is portrayed as an unpleasant, cowardly individual who undermines Odysseus and stirs up trouble. When Odysseus and his men arrive on the island of Aeaea home to Circe Eurylochus is chosen to lead a group of twenty-two men to explore the island. While touring the island they see Circe’s house and all but Eurylochus enters, he himself suspects Circe’s trap and when the men are turned into pigs he runs back to warn Odysseus. Odysseus prepares himself to confront this witch and save his crew however Eurylochus refuses to guide him to Circe’s palace and urges Odysseus to escape and leave the men to their fate. This must have caused an uncountable amount of grief and pain for Odysseus for Eurylochus was his second in command, Odysseus therefore must have trusted this man with his life and thought rather highly of him. Then for him to tell him to abandon his loyal companions who have been there for him since Troy and save himself must have hurt Odysseus a great deal. After Odysseus returns from Circe’s palace having rescued his companions, Eurylochus insults Odysseus and threatens to kill him. Here we see Odysseus being befriended and almost killed by his second in command obviously causing much grief for our brave hero. Overall I feel that the companions are the source of much grief for our fearless hero. However most of them did not wish to bring grief upon their leader. For most it was simply an unfortunate death leading to Odysseus grieving for the loss of them.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Freedom and Kate Chopins Story of an Hour Essay -- Story Hour essays

Freedom and The Story Of An Hour      Ã‚  Ã‚   When I first read Kate Chopin's "The Story Of An Hour", my instinctual response was to sympathize with the character of Mrs. Mallard.   This seemed to me to have been intended by the author because the story follows her emotional path from the original shock upon hearing of her husband's supposed death to her gradual acceptance of the joy she feels in anticipating her new freedom to the irony of her own sudden death.   However, one fact cannot be overlooked when judging my personal reaction to this piece. Because this story's theme is basically an issue of what a woman has the right to expect from her life, the fact that I am a woman living in a society where freedom and independence are valued above all else weighs heavily on the way I look upon the actions of Mrs. Mallard and also on the way I judge Chopin's message.      Ã‚  Ã‚   It is interesting to note that even in the story's opening, before Mrs. Mallard's response has run it's full course,   her reaction to the news of the accident which is presumed to have killed her husband is already being contrasted to the one   which society would deem appropriate.   It is mentioned that "She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance"(pg 275, P3). Though upon discussion of the story I found that this sentence had placed a kernel of suspicion in the minds of some as to the authenticity of Mrs. Mallard's display of emotion, I had taken once, with sudden, wild abandonment"(pg 275, P3) endeared her to me all the more because I felt that it meant she was very much in touch with the workings of her heart andimmediately at their mercy, and this made her reacti... ....   As a woman who wants what these women wanted, I find this hard to grapple with.   I appreciate the fact that this story was written in a time when feminism was unheard of, but I wish that Chopin, who had been liberated enough to conceive of a character who would think like Mrs. Mallard, could also have imagined a situation in which she could have survived. Work Cited: Chopin, Kate. "The Story of An Hour." The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction. Ed. R.V. Cassill and Richard Bausch. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2000. 106-109. Works Consulted: Cixous, Helene. "Laugh of the Medusa." Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory And Criticism. Ed. Robyn R. Warhol and Diane Price Herndl. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1991. Moi, Toril. Sexual/Textual Politics. New York: Routledge, Chapman and Hall, 1988.   

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Friendship Through the Years :: Friendship Essay Personal Narrative

Friendship Through the Years Two sets of twins live in the house cattycorner to mine. All four are girls, and all four are in diapers. The oldest set of twins, Michelle and Caitlin, are my age, and we quickly become playmates. Caitlin has striking red hair that drapes the bottom of her shoulder blades. She is so outgoing she would chat with a hobo on the street if her mother were not there to stop her. Michelle, on the other hand, is quieter and more reserved. She is an inch or two shorter than the kids her age, and lacks the confidence that dominates her sister's personality. She clings to me. Her shy personality coincides with my bold and adventurous one. She willingly becomes my sidekick, and joins me in numerous neighborhood adventures. We travel the grassy plains, and trek across the muddy rivers, stopping only for the occasional diaper change, and the pacifiers that fall behind. Our friendship is uncommon, exciting, and pure, but I am too young to treasure this rare gift that God has given me. It is first grade, and not has much changed. Michelle's short stature has only grown more apparent, and the increasing number of people surrounding her has become overwhelming. She clutches onto me, too afraid to meet her taller, bolder classmates. At recess, Michelle and I select the multicolor u's that link together to make chains. We plop ourselves down on the gray, matted carpet and begin to make necklaces and bracelets. Something makes us chuckle, and before you know it we are grabbing at our sides with laughter pains. Michelle laughs so hard that she pees all over our beautiful creations that we, and the classroom, left on the floor. Her angelic smile turns immediately into an expressionless stare. I look into her puppy eyes and watch tear after tear streak down her cheeks into the pee that surrounds her. I want to take that pain away from her. I want all those small, watchful eyes in the class to glare at me instead of innocent little Michelle. It is sixth grade and the Green Springs Special Chorus, which Michelle and I are a part of, is going to the junior high school to sing. Our choir is singing seventies music, and we are required to wear seventies clothes. Michelle and I are matching from head to toe. Our attire consists of blue felt poodle skirts, white shirts, black scarves, and starch-white Ked's shoes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Development of a Communications Plan for a Corporate Website Launch

AWARDS CEREMONY FOR MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT AND PROVINCIAL LEGISLATORS AT UNISA on 18 November 2011 GOVERNANCE AND LEADERSHIP PROGRAMME DRAFT COMMUNICATIONS PLAN Background An awards ceremony will be held on 18 November 2011 in Pretoria for 158 Members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures who have completed the Governance and Leadership Programme. The programme is offered under the auspices of the University of South Africa (UNISA). A total of 293 MPs and MPLs registered for the programme initially but some could not complete their studies on time. The Programme is supported by the South African Legislative Sector, under the guidance of the Speakers’ Forum and Public Administration Leadership Academy, PALAMA. Communication Objectives Parliament considers the role of public representatives to be central in exercising its role as the supreme law-making body in the country. As such, Members of Parliament and Provincial Legislatures need to acquire the requisite skills and competencies that will enable them to approach their work more judiciously and to participate more effectively in Parliamentary processes of law-making, oversight and public participation. Target audience Members of Parliament Members of Provincial Legislatures Speakers’ Forum SALSA General Public Key Messages †¢ The Capacity Building Development Programme enhances Members’ ability to execute their constitutional responsibilities more effectively †¢ Members are able to analyse policy, legislation, strategy more effectively †¢ The role of Parliament and Provincial legislatures is considerably enhanced in the public arena †¢ The South African public gains confidence in the ability of MPs and MPLs to execute their public duties in a responsible manner COMMUNICATION TOOLS Internal Newsletters (Parliament, Legislatures and PALAMA) (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Gerbrecht van Heerden, PALAMA and provinces) †¢ Intranet and website (Parliament, Legislatures and PALAMA) (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Gerbrecht van Heerden, PALAMA and provinces) External †¢ Media statement (Radio, TV and print) Action: Media statement drafted, waiting for approval Action: TV, radio and print interviews to be arranged from 14-18 November 2011 Speakers scheduled for interview include the following Members of the Reference Group on Training: Deputy Speaker: National Assembly, Ms NC Mfeketo Deputy Speaker: Free State Legislature, Ms MA Tsopo Speaker: Limpopo Legislature, Mr KA Phala Deputy Speaker: Eastern Cape Legislature, Ms N Moerane-Mamase Deputy Speaker: KwaZulu-Natal Legislature, Mr M Mthimkulu PRINT MEDIA The Star Citizen Beeld Sowetan Daily times City Press Sunday Times Sunday World RADIO & TV Jacaranda Kaya FM yfm SABC Radio News Metro FM Thobela Motswedi Ukhozi Umhlobo Wenene Mohlodi Ligwalagwala SABC TV News Radio 2000 Radio 702 (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Abe Mokoka – Gauteng Legislature, Sanelisiwe Mbhele – PALAMA and provinces) †¢ Event (Graduation ceremony and gala dinner and photography) (Responsibility: Msimelelo Nyikana, Millie Daweti and Task Team) †¢ Sector-wide publications (Responsibility: Michael Ralo, Parliament) †¢ Sector Annual Report (Responsibility: LSS)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Romanticism and the Scarlet Letter essays

Romanticism and the Scarlet Letter essays Romanticism is categorized as a preference for simplicity and naturalness, a love of plain feelings and truth to common place reality, especially as found in natural scenes. Nathaniel Hawthorne was an anti-transcendentalist and believed in the dark side of man, hence his dark romantic novel The Scarlet Letter. This allegorical novel depends heavily on symbol and character. The novel is chock full of symbolic dimension of images, characters, and descriptions. The Scarlet Letter defines the American Romanticist movement while using symbolic characters and places that give the book seemingly two different stories. The first story denotes the story going on in the book, including the characters. The other story has symbols that speak on morals, religious doctrine, and public mindset. Furthermore the novel can be defined as a romantic novel by analyzing the characters Hester, Pearl, and Dimmesdale for their overall purpose to the story and the symbolism. An important concept of romanticism includes a close connection to the earth and natural scenes. A large occurrence of this comes in the first chapter of the book. The chapter mentions a rose bush outside of the prison. The novel then goes on to outline the rosebush as a beautiful thing that rises out of a bad place. The rosebush symbolizes a beauty that can not be taken away, the human spirit, like that of Hawthorne himself and also of Hester. In addition the prison represents Puritan society, with all of its strict social and moral rules of conduct, and the rose bush symbolizes the individual, standing defiantly on their own, lively and strong, in spite of the society as a whole, against them. Hawthornes use of the rosebush implies that there may be an indestructible human impulse that can survive in people despite social order and natural rights. Another romantic nature symbol is the forest, which symbolizes both safe and evil aspects. An instance of the ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

4 Ways to Take Control of your LinkedIn Endorsements

4 Ways to Take Control of your LinkedIn Endorsements I’m a self-identified control freak when it comes to certain aspects of my life, and as such, I am perpetually perturbed by the Skills Expertise section on LinkedIn. The way this section works, anyone can endorse me for anything – even things I know nothing about! And if enough people endorse me for things I do not consider important, these skills will be prominently displayed at the top of my Skills list. Aargh! You might, like me, get an email almost daily telling you that someone wants to endorse you for â€Å"new† Skills not currently listed on your profile. And if you’re like me, there was a reason you didn’t list that skill in the first place. Either you don’t have that skill or you don’t want to market it. What I do in this situation is press â€Å"Skip† and wait until the next well-meaning person endorses me for skills I don’t have. At the National Resume Writers’ Association Conference in Chicago this past week, LinkedIn endorsements were a hot topic. We are all concerned that the wrong people are endorsing us for the wrong things. In one session about LinkedIn, trainer Dean DeLisle suggested that we take control of our Skills Expertise and stop complaining about it! How can you wield control over this pesky section? Well, let me tell you: Fill in ALL 50 Skills. This way there will be less likelihood of additional, inappropriate skills being added to your profile. You would have to delete one skill to add another. Press â€Å"Skip† to decline adding Skills to your profile. Know that the skills listed at the top of your Skills list are the ones with the most endorsements. If you want different skills to show up there, ask your connections to endorse you for the ones you want to appear at the top! (I am going to do this momentarily. Be forewarned.) As a last resort, you can delete a skill, add it back, and start over from zero endorsements. That will push other skills higher up on your list. Please Take Action! A Request I’ve found that a lot of people seem to endorse me for Blogging, Social Networking, Social Media Marketing, Nonprofits, Career Management, Time Management, and a lot of other things I don’t market as my specialties. My request to you is to endorse me for the list of Skills Expertise that appears below. Please only do so if you are confident that I have the skill! Also note that to endorse a skill, you must be a 1st-degree connection. I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn if we are not already connected. Hint when endorsing anyone for skills: Don’t default or be limited to the ones suggested at the top of their profile! Scroll down in the profile to the Skills Expertise section and choose from there. You will be able to click on a + sign to choose the skill. For example: Heres my list of requests. Thanks in advance for your support! Resume Writing Executive Resumes Executive Resume Writing Sales Resumes Marketing Resumes C-Level Resumes Senior Management Resumes Supply Chain Resumes Operations Resumes LinkedIn LinkedIn Profiles Cover Letters Professional Bios College Application Essays MBA Admissions Consulting Law School Admissions Consulting Law School Resumes I’m making this request partly as an experiment in service of my e-book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile. If I can change the appearance of my Skills Expertise section, then I will be able to stand tall and recommend similar action to my e-book readers in the 8th edition. Also, if you think I am familiar with your skills and want me to endorse you for specific ones, I will do so IF I know your abilities first-hand. Thank you and I look forward to the changing face of all our LinkedIn profiles!