Thursday, November 28, 2019

Summertime Essay Example For Students

Summertime Essay It was early dawn on a Friday morning, as the sun rises from the distant blue ocean we wait for daylight to breakout. My friend and I sat down on spot on the beach, as I focus closely at the surface of the waterfront the sand is very white, much like the winter snowflakes. As I look along the different points along the shore, the waves and ripples of the salty water crash upon various sections of the beach. These include a nudist section, a gay section, and a family section, I wasnt sure but there might have been a section reserved for nude, gay families. We will write a custom essay on Summertime specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now My friend and I unfolded our garden chairs and opened our cooler box in the family section of the beach. After putting on our sunglasses and lay on the sun block lotion, we popped open some cold beverages from a can. We then reclined back in our chairs to take in the clear, deep blue sky, the sea-green ocean, the red-hot sun and white sand. The pleasantly refreshing smell of the surf broke through the scent of the ocean mist. The cool breeze came towards us coming in off of the ocean water. The songs of the seagulls, and small children running about could be heard echoing around the beach. A few hours had past and we began to get restless, I immediately insisted that we abandon the area and move to another section of the beach. After about ten minutes of walking, we decided to rest as the scorching sizzling sun began to tear through the clouds. We sat down as I drove the palm of my hand through the white sandy beach, the sand grains were transparent like fine crystal grains. The nois e and activity of the family section of the beach was a distant blur to the east. We walked on the empty stretch of beach for another ten minutes until we had arrived. The twenty-minute walk had felt like a never-ending desert. We then sat back in our desired location absorbing the heat and ocean breeze. After another several hours of lounging and drinking on the beach, The air had gotten thick, moist, smelly and hot. It felt constricting and suffocating like being stuffed inside a giant kiln. The late afternoon blistering heat wave had past as sunset had almost arrived. As the sun was setting disappearing into the distance, the light began to darken. The colour of the white clouds became grayer, the sky began to look like the colour spectrum changing from one hue and tint to another. It had gradually become dark, the sun was no longer visible as the day drew to an end. Creative Writing

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Brothers in Arms essays

Brothers in Arms essays One of the greatest wars ever fought in our time is World War II; an ideal principle for humans freedom and equality. At a great scale, many men lost their lives and are recorded in many history books. From American to British and even Russian soldiers sacrifice their lives to stop a power of hatred against humanity. Though many are taught about the war, certain perspectives and details are often left out in our history books. In Brothers In Arms, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anthony Walton writes an epic story about forgotten heroes in World War II. The first all-black armored unit to see combat in this great, devastating war. A part of history in which you will never find in any recorded books about World War II. A discrimination in which is still present in our society to not include such heroes of color. This book recognizes the valiant efforts from this all-black unit who wanted to give their lives for their country; an attempt that will lead to the desegregation of the American military. This book presents a perspective from an all-black unit that went through discrimination from their training and even throughout the war; a fundamental story that should be included when World War II is mentioned. In the beginning of the book, the authors record about certain individuals that have close relation to their families. They focus mainly about these three individuals: Leonard Smitty Smith, William McBurney, and Preston McNeil. These heroes are introduced and summarized about how they joined the Army. Smith and McBurney wanted to pursue into the Air Corps, in which they would be denied because of their color. They would all eventually sign up for the Army and be assigned into the 761st Tank Battalion. These significance individuals would go through an intense training physically and mentally. Blacks were characterized as inferior in military tactics and equipment, so they would prioritize their skills to beyond sup...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

My proposal for a new system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My proposal for a new system - Essay Example iece of the proposal is to make health insurance affordable for all Americans so that it serves as an extension of social security in times of distress. At present health insurance coverage of American citizens is covered by their employers, which puts them in danger of losing insurance along with their jobs. With the global economic recession more acute here in the U.S., the country has seen unprecedented numbers of job losses in the last few months. Not since the Great Depression of the 1930s did the nation confront such a disaster. It is true that a comprehensive revamp of the healthcare system at a time of economic turmoil is not practically feasible. But research conducted by the Commonwealth Fund indicates that extending insurance coverage to all American citizens would only cost an additional $104 billion for the federal government. While this may seem a huge sum in isolation, it is significantly smaller compared to the $700 billion rescue plan that the new President got ratified by Congress. In other words, my proposal for a new healthcare system endorses the implementation of the promised â€Å"universal healthcare† plan of Barack Obama. Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman also supports this proposal and adds that â€Å"it is true that the cost of universal health care will be a continuing expense, reaching far into the future. But that has always been true†¦and the temporary expenses of his stimulus plan shouldn’t change that calculation† (Krugman, 2009). This $104 billion proposal for universal health insurance coverage would have the added benefit of stimulating the economy. In other words, the proposed tax-cuts as part of the Obama Administration’s stimulus package could instead be substituted with health insurance provisions for American citizens across the socio-economic spectrum, thereby solving two problems at once – health care and economic crisis. And more importantly, by virtue of being applicable across social, economic

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Agile manifesto - what are the downsides Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Agile manifesto - what are the downsides - Essay Example This is championed because collaboration is much more crucial than understanding process and tools. Another element that is propagated is working software OVER comprehensive documentation. One might argue that documentation is required to have a successful implementation of software is much important than documentation. However, real testing of software happens in QA in which prototyping occurs. Another issue that is prominent with Agile customer collaboration and negotiation. In the boom and busting world of technology, building an innovative products through blocks can be waste of time, resources and scope of work. This is achieved through regular iterations of work, known as Sprints which enhance the product as depicted by the team. It is clear to understand that Agile enhances the churn by reducing defects and defining the product resourcefully. The team evaluated by practicing this technique to steer the direction of the product via this methodology. When a team stops and re-eva luates the direction of a project every two weeks, there’s time to steer it in another direction without spending quality time. The last core principle can be answered via was clear that teams understood an opportunity to know the life cycle of the project and limit the cycle work to two weeks. This enables teams to develop a work cycle is limited to two weeks, and allows stakeholders have to examine defects in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

The influence of ideology on the formation of Soviet foreign policy Essay

The influence of ideology on the formation of Soviet foreign policy - Essay Example The notion of a political system led in its international behaviour by a particular set of operational and ideological rules rather than temporary concepts of state ‘concerns’ is usually hard for Westerners to comprehend. Many scholars would agree that the complicated procedures, strategies, and goals making up the official Marxism-Leninism principle have had some influence on the formation of Soviet foreign policy, even though there are critical debates over the extent of the relevance of ideological influence. For instance, the policy aim underlying George F. Kennan’s well-known article in 1947 defining the justification for what developed into the ‘containment policy’ (Evans 1993, 44) was clearly to force the Soviet Union to discard ideological frame of thinking and to develop into a more cooperative and pragmatic one. Kennan tried to accomplish this by challenging Soviet rulers with geostrategic facts which rendered the policies and analysis origi nated from the ideology appears inexpedient and bleak (Quimet 2003, 81). A main idea underlying the containment strategy was that a ‘non-ideological’, specifically ‘normal’, Soviet Union would be much more unproblematic to contend with in the post-war period, when continuous cooperation between East and West would make the conditions of international security and reconstruction that much simpler to accomplish (Yanowitch 1991, 65). Kennan in the end came to challenge the relevance of the ideological influence (ibid, p. 65)... ev regime, Hugh Seton-Watson, satisfactorily described the continuous Western discussions of the influences of Soviet foreign policy as an outcome of what he refers to as ‘either-or fallacies’ (Miller 1991, 2): The most widespread is the controversy between those who see ‘ideology’ as the main force behind Soviet policy, and those who give this place to ‘security’. It is our case that the two are inseparable, and there is no need to repeat the argument. Arising from this misleading ‘either-or-ism’ is the dispute, perhaps even more widespread, as to whether Soviet policy is ‘expansionist’ or ‘defensive’. It is both. Obsession with protection of frontiers and of strategic position leads to expansion, and each successful expansion creates new positions to defend (ibid, p. 2). The argument of this essay resembles Seton-Watson’s assumption. Ideology has consistently been a major influence in the formation of Soviet foreign policy, but definitely not the only one. Also, its influence has usually been indirect rather than direct. Specifically, rather directly imposing policies, it has functioned to form the goals and context of Soviet policymakers, as well as their views of such seemingly ‘normal’ priorities as ‘defence’, ‘security’ and the requirements for ‘peace’ (Miller 1991, 2); the influence of ideology being referred to, as in Seton-Watson’s statement cited above, represent quite evidently the ‘old political thinking’ (OLT) (ibid, p. 3) that is currently challenged by Gorbachev. The Ideological Influence The definition of ‘ideology’ is itself the centre of some disagreement, as well as the characteristic of its contribution in state decision-making. Ideology, as defined by one scholar, is a ‘preconceived set or

Friday, November 15, 2019

Reflection on Visit to China

Reflection on Visit to China Alex Naydenov Post-Trip Re-evaluation of Six Topics Introduction After visiting Beijing and Shanghai my existing perceptions of China not only changed but it helped me to view the world as a more mature person. I am no longer ignorant towards countries I have never visited and only knew from what I have read or researched. Prior to my visit, I believed that I had a pretty good understanding about China as a communist country with the fastest growing economy of the world. However, I was not prepared for the magnificent and mind-blowing views from the Great Wall and the Olympic Facilities, the delicious food, and the meaningful conversations with the local students we met. I was humbled to discover a culture that existed for over 4,000 years and people that are friendly and hospitable. As a result, I developed a deeper appreciation for the Chinese society, traditions, and way of life. Chinese Culture History and Impact on Chinese Business Today My perception about Chinese culture and history went on a whole new level when we had the opportunity to visit the Old Hutong area in Beijing and explore the local life and traditions. The walk along the alleys and the visit to a local house gave me a memorable glimpse of the traditional way of living and the sense of pride Chinese people carry for their cultural heritage. I felt that the Old Hutong represents a long period of history and it has become the living encyclopedia of the city that everyone deeply cherish. My cultural views about China continued to shape with the visit of other important landmarks in Beijing such as the Olympic Facilities, Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and the Great Wall. In Beijing modern architecture mixes harmoniously with the preservation of older buildings and historical places. At the moment I entered the Bird’s Nest and the Water Cube and later the Tiananmen Square, I was surprised to discover just how modern China is. In fact, the urban areas in Beijing and Shanghai are somehow similar to Chicago or NYC with the glass skyscrapers, fashionably dressed people, and busy streets. However, what really took my breath away is the Great Wall. The place is not just a testament of a great engineering; it symbolizes the connection between the legendary past and present time and it made me realize the uniqueness of China. It suddenly put things into perspective of how old China is and how new the history of my country is. The Great Wall is a must see place if a person wants to experience the infinite sense of time, traditions and beauty, and even a sense of harmony. During my personal interactions with many students from Peking and Tongii Universities I learned first-hand that they deeply value integrity, loyalty, and hard work. Chinese students emphasized that the image you built for yourself throughout the years ultimately defines your future career development and success. Such observations were confirmed by AmCham presenters who also believed that honesty is one of the virtues greatly valued by the Chinese people. Many local businessmen run their business on the principle of honesty and hard work in order to establish their brand. Thus, learning to understand and appreciate local values becomes imperative for conducting a successful business with China. Government, Political, and Legal Environment Prior to my trip, I strongly believed that China’s government is very similar to the former Soviet Union and the political system is primarily authoritarian. I was really surprised to discover that although the communist party has been in power for over 60 years somehow the political environment has remained flexible and adapting to the changes. In reality, when the other communist systems crashed, China was able to survive many political turbulences and become a major economic power. However, there are still things that really bothered me during the visit, such as the restricted Internet sites. Many important social media sites and search engines which I take for granted in the United States have been blocked in China. In my conversation with local students they have expressed mixed opinions about the existing political system. A few were optimistic that the new party leader Xi Jinping will help the economy and stop the corruption, while others preferred to change the subject. Nevertheless, all of the college students focused on the fact the communist government controls every aspect of their lives with tight censorships. They also commented that in addition to blocking social media websites the government has many levels of control over everything that is going on online for example deleting blogs if found inappropriate. Prior to the trip, I believed that the Legal System has been a major accomplishment for the communist party because China has put in place strict laws that prevents the rise of monopolies. It also modernized the existing tax system that held accountable for due taxes everyone from the regular employees to major corporations. However, I find some facts about the criminal justice system in China quite disturbing. The country has a very high conviction rate of 99%, which clearly shows that something is wrong with the system. For instance, the police has enormous power and the advancement of the officers depends on how many convictions they help to obtain, thus they resort to any measures to get a confession. I believe that If China wants to be respected in the world’s arena, the existing criminal justice system needs to be in line with the international norms and all citizens to be treated with dignity and respect. Economy, Globalization and Intellectual Property Rights in China In the past decade China’s economy grew substantially, however, the economy took a step back due to the global economic crisis. In my conversations with some of the Peking’s students they said that current economic strategy of the Party is to focus more on sustainable and high quality expansion rather than on the growth rate alone. They said that 7 percent GDP growth for 2014 was still an impressive number and the current economy was strong and resilient. The government strategy is to strengthen and expand the imports over the next five years in order to bring more opportunities for trade and cooperation with the rest of the world. In recent years, China has enforced laws to safeguard intellectual properties and rights. For example, foreign companies have to register their company trademarks in order to ensure that all of the rules are followed. In our visit to Cisco, an American multinational corporation, in Shanghai we had the opportunity to tour the facilities and touch base on various topics including the Intellectual Property Rights in China. In the past, Cisco has filed a lawsuit against Chinese network maker Huawei for unlawful copying, but in recent years China has strengthened its legal framework and amended its IPR laws in order to conform to the WTO Agreement. Banking, Finance, and Corporate Governance In the past decades, China’s banking system has grown from a single bank to a new modern system that includes four of the largest commercial banks in the world. The Chinese government continues to hold a key position in the management of the banking system, however, they have been successful in weathering a few serious finance crisis. I believe that the banking sector will continue to grow with China’s acceptance in the WTO and allowing for the foreign banks to participate. In addition, China needs to create friendlier regulations and taxes that will attract foreign and domestic investors. In recent years, China experienced an increased demand for second homes which stirred the real estate market and made investing in the housing very attractive, a cycle that can build the house bubble. I have witnessed the crisis of real estate in the United States and I know how dangerous bursting of the bubble could be for the people and economy. In order to control the real estate prices, the government put some purchase restrictions on residential properties, not allowing a second residence. Although, a bit drastic such intervention helped to contain the rising housing prices. However, many Chinese investors started to look at other alternatives such buying properties in the big cities of the United States and other parts of the world. In conversation with local students about the debt issue in United States and China, we come to the conclusion that the average American family owns bigger properties but their debt to income ratio is higher than that of the Chinese. I live in a large house, but I know that my parents constantly worry about their loans and possibility to lose their home if they become unemployed. In this regard, I believe that Chinese families maybe sleep better at night knowing that they will still have a roof over their heads if an adversity hits them. China’s Approach to the Global Financial Crisis When the global financial crisis hit the United States in 2008 it inevitably affected the rest of the world, including China. In order to protect the economy the government introduced a RMB 4 trillion stimulus package that would encourage the consumer spending and rebuild major infrastructures. Such financial strategy proved to be a success because it boosted the economy. The government also approved multiple tax rebates in order to help the exporting companies and aid the struggling economy to survive the financial crisis. During my visit to Beijing and Shanghai it was obvious that people took advantage of the program and bought new cars, housing, or started their own business. One of the Chinese students remembered the stimulus money and mentioned that her parents had the opportunity to buy a bigger apartment, because the interest rates were low and it helped to secure a very favorable loan, which was not possible in the past. U.S.–China Trade Issues The trade between the United States and China is an important part of the profits for both countries. At the moment, China is the third largest market for the American exports. However, there are some serious issues that put the trading relationship in jeopardy. I believe that the biggest problem hindering the interchange is that China is not a fully free market economy due to the communist regime. For instance, China does not have solid policies in place that would protect the international business partners. Another problem is that the American companies doing business in China do not receive an adequate protection of their intellectual property rights. United States has lost almost $4 billion in trade due to piracy and counterfeited goods. I had the opportunity to discuss with some of the Chinese students their views on the knockoff items that many Chinese companies produce and then export to the United States. They believe that the problem is really serious because the counterfeit industry is massive and it continues to grow. In addition, Alibaba the biggest online commerce, claims to be committed to crack down on the barter of fake goods on its platform, but as soon as one vendor gets blocked another one takes his place. I believe that the collective effort of the Chinese government, enforcing severe punishments, and the major internet distributors can help to contain the existing problem. Conclusion: My spring break to China, stripped away all the prejudices and stereotypes which I carried about the real life in China and gave me the opportunity of the lifetime to see some of the most amazing landmarks in the world. The real experience of China’s traditions and business interactions helped me to free my mind, learn to make better judgements, and identify my priorities in life.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Baldwins Notes of a Native Son Essay -- James Baldwin

In My Father’s Eyes The essay â€Å"Notes of a Native Son† takes place at a very volatile time in history. The story was written during a time of hate and discrimination toward African Americans in the United States. James Baldwin, the author of this work is African American himself. His writing, along with his thoughts and ideas were greatly influenced by the events happening at the time. At the beginning of the essay, Baldwin makes a point to mention that it was the summer of 1943 and that race riots were occurring in Detroit. The story itself takes place in Harlem, a predominantly black area experiencing much of the hatred and inequalities that many African-Americans were facing throughout the country. This marks the beginning of a long narrative section that Baldwin introduces his readers to before going into any analysis at all. Throughout Baldwin’s essay he strategically weaves narrative, analytical, and argumentative selections together. The effect that Baldwin has on the reader when using this technique is extremely powerful. Baldwin combines both private and public affairs in this essay, which accentuates the analysis and argument sections throughout the work. Baldwin’s ability to shift between narrative and argument so smoothly goes hand in hand with the ideas and events that Baldwin discusses in his essay. He includes many powerful and symbolic binaries throughout the essay that help to develop the key themes and principles pertaining to his life. The most powerful and important binaries that appear in this essay are Life and Death. The key themes of Baldwin’s essay are love, hatred, rage, and anger. These themes quickly transform into recurring strands that Baldwin applies throughout his essay. These ... ... in the last paragraph of the essay. Here, he experiences an awakening. By combining heart and hatred in the same sentence, Baldwin weaves the terms that were once binaries into strands. He makes the terms fit together, rather than making them clash. Baldwin says, â€Å"This fight begins, however, in the heart and it now had been laid to my charge to keep my own heart free of hatred and despair" (84). It is his duty to free his heart of any hatred and despair that he has experienced. He comes to realize that injustice is commonplace among mankind and that he must continue to fight it. The fight begins in his heart, implying that he must let his heart be free of hatred and despair before he can begin to fight. Works Cited Baldwin, James. â€Å"Notes of a Native Son.† 1955. James Baldwin: Collected Essays. Ed. Toni Morrison. New York: Library of America, 1998. 63-84.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Discuss Ways in Which Edward Thomas Presents Memory in ‘Aspens’ Essay

Empty as sky, with every other sound No ceasing, calls there ghosts from their abode† Discuss ways in which Thomas presents memory in ‘Aspens’. In your answer, explore the effects of language, imagery and verse form, and consider how this poem relates to other poems by Thomas that you have studied. Memory is presented as either a way of life or a community of change, as demonstrated in ‘Aspens’, ‘Old Man’, ‘Aldestrop’. He does this through the variety of techniques such as change in form, use of imagery and alternations in the tone of each poem to explore memory. As well as this, Thomas explicates the devastation of emptiness due to the consequence of war, which is portrayed through the use of soft consonantal sounds or the use of sibilance to carry the silence through the poem as it does in the places described in each poem. Quatrain A, B, A, B combined with the iambic pentameter shows regularity in the stresses of the beat, which reflects the motion of the Aspens as they sway consistently in the breeze. Alternatively, the regularity in the rhythm could reflect the beat of the hammer of the Blacksmith’s, as mentioned in the second stanza to emphasise how the vignette was once active, busy and lively. This is also seen in the sonnet by Robert Frost, Acquainted with the Night, where iambic pentameter could have been used to reflect the constant depressive state the poet experienced at the time. This contrasts with another of Thomas’ poems, ‘Tears’, where his thoughts are disjointed and disorganised as he tries to recollect his memories. Thus the use of free verse and an 18 line stanza, unbroken, is appropriate as it reflects how he struggles to remember. Despite this, the whole stanza is in iambic pentameter but Thomas has used this technique in order to reflect what is going on in his memory. For example, the last 6 lines of the stanza regulate, as all are of the same length, which expresses the formality of the soldiers marching and their systematic organisation. In comparison, ‘Old Man’ has an irregular structure and this use of free verse conveys Thomas’ uncertainty in dealing with the subject of memory. It would be deemed applicable to say that the struggle to reminisce is present in ‘Aldestrop’ as Thomas uses the hyphen at the end of the first line to show the pause in his recollection, as seen similarly and previously in the first line of ‘Tears’ as the use of two hyphens portrays Thomas’ thought process. The theme of emptiness is seen throughout Thomas’ poems. The wartime poet writes of his memory of livelihood and activity in villages, such as the one described in ‘Aspens’, and then how it begins to disappear as a result of war. This is shown as the village is left with a ‘lightless pane and footless road’ causing the village to appear as ‘empty as sky’ and this simile gives a sense of vastness of the effects of the war, emphasising on the emptiness in the poem. Further, the mention of the ‘cross-roads to a ghostly room’ explicates that the village is so empty that it is leading nowhere. This metaphor is ironic as cross-roads are suggestively open gateways and a sense of choice in direction. However this connotation is altered as Thomas uses the metaphor ‘ghostly room’, to portray the vacant village and this is supported by the cross-roads as they lead to emptiness and isolation. This is also seen in ‘Old Man’ as the paradox ‘only an avenue, dark, nameless, without end’ gives a sense of no lead despite the fact that an avenue should lead somewhere. It is clear here that Thomas’ state of depression is reflected in this last line as the imagery conjures connotations of death, gloom and finality. The emptiness is also portrayed in ‘Aspens’ as Thomas describes the ‘ghosts from their abode’, which suggests he is referring to the ghostly memories of the village, comparing them to how things have changed. We also see emptiness in ‘Aldestrop’ as Thomas explains how the unexpected stop is ‘bare’. The reason for this could be because the train was not due to stop at Aldestrop; on the other hand it could indicate the effects of wartime, particularly desolation. Loss of memory is seen in many of Thomas’ poems through different ways. Edna Longley, critic, points out that the part of the mind that remembers is the same part of the mind that generates poetry- the subconscious and comments that in ‘Old Man’ ‘perhaps / thinking perhaps of nothing’ is a rhetorically cunning line break. The verb ‘think’ is central to the poem as is the verb ‘remember’. Particularly in ‘Old Man’ Thomas uses the metaphor ‘I have mislaid the key’ to present his attempt of recollecting his first memory of the plant, Lads-Love. He portrays this as tantalising as he can ‘think of nothing’ when sniffing the herb, which suggests he finds loss of memory as frustrating. This is shown from the anaphora of ‘no’ at the end of the poem as it rightly expresses that the more he tries to remember the less likely the memory will reappear, which further shows his frustration of struggling to regain his memory. Despite this, Thomas makes it clear that the memory brings him sentimentality and this is clearly important to him. He shows that although the smell of the bush is ‘bitter’ he admires the plant because it brings back memories of his daughter. In comparison, Thomas also mentions that names are important in ‘Aldestrop’ as ‘I remember Aldestrop -/ The name’ suggests that the name brings every detail for him. A sense of change in community is seen in various poems by Thomas, due to the effects of war. Most specifically, ‘Aspens’ shows clearly how vibrant and animated the village was once before through the onomatopoeic sounds ‘clink, the hum, the roar’ as they reflect the vivacity that was once present before the war. This is contrasted as the silence is emphasised through the dominance of sibilance through ‘a silent smithy’ and ‘a silent inn’, which emphasises the hollow atmosphere. The silence is further shown by the sibilance in the penultimate line ‘ceaselessly, unreasonably grieves’, which allows the silence of the trees to continue through to the end of the poem. A sense of change is also seen in ‘Aldestrop’ as Thomas uses the metaphor of ‘all the birds’ to represent the people of England as they suffer from the effects of the war as a whole. The fact that Thomas mentions countryside towns such as Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire shows how much Thomas values traditional English scenery and therefore shows his devastation of the effects of war. Thomas uses lots of different techniques in order to portray memory through a communal change, emptiness and as a way of life. Through his language, structure and symbolism within his poems, the reader is able to understand Thomas’ thoughts about memory (those being that it is frustrating to have ‘mislaid the key’ and how memories can change over time) and relate their own experiences with Thomas’ due to his profound and truthful portrayal of memory.

Friday, November 8, 2019

How to Overcome Math Anxiety

How to Overcome Math Anxiety Do you feel a little flushed when you think about doing math homework? Do you think youre no good at math? If you find yourself putting off your math work or dreading math tests, you may suffer from math anxiety. What Is Math Anxiety? Math Anxiety is a type of fear. Sometimes fear is merely the dread of some unknown that lurks out there. How do you conquer this type of fear? You isolate it, examine it closely, and understand what its made of. When you do this, youll soon find that the fear goes away. There are five common factors and feelings that make us avoid math. When we avoid it, we lose confidence and then start building up dread and fear. Lets confront the things that cause us to avoid math! Im Just Not Cut Out for Math Sound familiar? Actually, there is no such thing as a brain type that makes one person better than another at math. Yes, studies show that there are different brain types, but those types just concern your approach at problem solving. Your approach can be different from another students, but it can still be just as effective. One factor that affects math performance more than any other is confidence. Sometimes a stereotype can make us believe that we are naturally less capable than others. Studies have shown that math stereotypes are not true! Interestingly, studies do show that positive thinking can improve math performance. Basically, there are two things that you can do to really and truly improve your math performance: Dont accept stereotypes about mathThink positive thoughts. If you are smart at any skill at all, then you can be smart at math. If you are good at writing or foreign language, for instance, that proves you can be smart at math. Building Blocks Are  Missing This is a legitimate cause for anxiety. If you avoided math in lower grades or you just didnt pay enough attention in middle school, you may be feeling stressed out because you know your background is weak. There is good news. You can overcome this problem easily by skimming through a textbook that was written for a level slightly lower than your current class. First, youll be surprised at how much you do know. Secondly, youll find there are only a few skills you need to practice before youre completely caught up. And those skills will come easily! Want proof? Think about this: There are many, many adult students who start college after being out of class for ten and twenty years. They survive college algebra by brushing up quickly on forgotten (or never acquired) basic skills using old text books or a refresher course. Youre not as far behind as you think you are! Its never too late to catch up. Its Just So Boring! This is a false accusation. Many students who like the drama of literature or social studies may accuse math of being un-interesting. There are many mysteries in math and science! Mathematicians enjoy debating approaches to long-unsolved problems. From time to time, somebody will discover the solution to a problem that others have sought for years. Math poses challenges that can be amazingly gratifying to conquer. Additionally, there is a perfection to math that cant be found in many places on this earth. If you like mystery and drama, you can find it in the complexity of math. Think of math as a great mystery to solve. It Takes Too Much Time It is true that many people suffer real anxiety when it comes to setting aside a certain span of time and committing to it. This is one of the factors that often leads to procrastination, and it manifests in people of all ages. For example, many adults put off tasks when they know they will have to devote themselves completely for an hour or two. Perhaps, deep down, were afraid well miss out on something. There is just a certain amount of anxiety or fear that comes with stepping out of our life for an hour or two and focusing on one specific thing. This explains why some adults put off paying bills or doing odd jobs around the house. This is one of those fears that we can overcome, just by acknowledging it. Realize that its normal to resist devoting an hour of your thoughts to your math homework. Then simply think your way through your fear. Think about the other things in your life that youll need to set aside. Youll soon realize that can do without them all for an hour or two. Its Too Complex to Understand It is true that math involves some very complex formulas. Remember the process for overcoming any fear? Isolate it, examine it, and break it down into little parts. Thats exactly what you have to do in math. Every formula is made of little parts or skills and steps that youve learned in the past. Its a matter of building blocks. When you come across a formula or process that seems too complex, just break it down. If you find that youre a little weak on some of the concepts or steps that make up one element of the formula, then just go back and work on your building blocks.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Oral Report Tips for Speaking to Your Class

Oral Report Tips for Speaking to Your Class Does the thought of giving an oral report make you queasy? If so, youre not alone. People of all ages and occupations- even those with public speaking experience- feel the same way. The good news is that there are many things you can do to prepare and feel calmer during your talk. Just follow the tips below to gear up for a super performance. Tips for Presenting As with many things in life, delivering an oral report will be much easier if you take time to prepare for it. Preparation will give you confidence and help you focus on what matters when youre finally in the spotlight. Write your report to be heard, not read. There is a difference between words that are meant to be heard in your head and words that are meant to be heard out loud. Youll see this once you begin to practice what youve written, as some sentences will sound choppy or too formal.Practice your report out loud. This is very important. There will be some phrases that you will stumble over, even though they look simple. Read out loud when you practice and make changes to any phrases that stop your flow.On the morning of your report, eat something but dont drink soda. Carbonated beverages will give you dry mouth, and caffeine will affect your nerves and make you jittery. Stick to water or juice instead.Dress appropriately, and in layers. You never know whether the room will be hot or cold. Either could give you the shakes, so prepare for both.Once you stand up, take a moment to gather your thoughts or relax. Dont be afraid to give yourself a silent pause before you begin. Look through your pa per for a moment. If your heart is beating hard, this will give it an opportunity to calm down. If you do this right, it actually looks very professional, too. If you start to speak and your voice is shaky, take a pause. Clear your throat. Take a few relaxing breaths and start again.Focus on someone at the back of the room. This has a calming effect on some speakers. It may feel weird, but it doesnt look weird.Take the stage. Pretend youre a professional on TV. This gives confidence.Prepare an I dont know answer if people will be asking questions. Dont be afraid to say you dont know. You can say something like, That is a great question. Ill look into that.Have a good ending line. Avoid an awkward moment at the end by preparing a strong conclusion. Dont back away, mumbling Well, I guess thats all. Other Advice More generally, you can prepare for an oral report by deeply researching your topic and practicing your speech before a mirror or video camera. Know your topic well. If you feel confident about your knowledge, you will feel confident when it comes time to share that knowledge with others.If possible, make a practice video and watch yourself to see how you sound. Pay attention to your posture and tone of voice. If you have any nervous tics- such as saying um or ah- try to reduce them as much as you can.Dont pick the day of your report to experiment with a new style. It may give you an extra reason to feel nervous in front of a crowd.Walk up to your speaking location early to give your nerves time to calm down.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Sustainable Talent Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Sustainable Talent Management - Research Paper Example The performance management comprises of various steps that are to be followed by the organization for the successful implantation of the performance management process. The first step involves the performance planning which a process of communication between the employee and supervisor to set up the effective planning for the performance. It also comprises of the expectation set related to the employee performance (Sadikoglu & Zehir, 2010). The next step that is to be followed is that of coaching that involves a two-way discussion focusing on the performance of the employees and recognizing the areas that can be improved to have a better performance of the workforce. The third step involves the multiple sources of feedback that the managers can gather from the customers that would be helpful for the improvement of the employee performance. Research suggests that there are various sources of the feedback can be collected such as from customers as well as self-evaluation. The fourth st ep involves the performance review that the organization can conduct based on the goals set by the organization and the development needs that can ensure better performance of the employees.  The performance management comprises of various steps that are to be followed by the organization for the successful implantation of the performance management process. The first step involves the performance planning which a process of communication between the employee and supervisor to set up the effective planning for the performance.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Tectonic work on Troppo and Glen Murcutt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Tectonic work on Troppo and Glen Murcutt - Essay Example Tectonics was developed in response to a discussion set by Phenomenology. The idea was mainly used as a means for criticizing the modern technology. Tectonic architecture forms parables to other building constructions, and corresponds to values other than a scientific conceptual sphere. Tectonic architecture uses techniques of bearing structure to develop associations and Experiences1. Tectonics of industrial production and cultural Mass-production has led to building culture giving reputation to general standards and homogeneity to satisfy the final customer. With the computer era, the Computers have changed the means of working with building projects and architecture during the past. Troppo and Glen Murcutt are two architects whose work has been based on tectonic designs and one cannot fail to admit that they have some of the most outstanding designs from this form of architecture. Murcutt tectonic architecture Glenn Murcutt is one of the most famous people when it comes to the stu dy of architect designs on the tectonic platform. One cannot fail to recognize the talent bestowed upon him from his designs. One of his early designs in the late 1980’s that intrigues me by its simplicity yet remains to be an explicit design is the "Ball-East away House", at Glenore, Sydney2. This was a single story house with a beam platform. The house was made entirely out of steel frame with its side walls having timber. This is considered to be one of the greatest buildings to be ever designed in its time. An ordinary individual may fail to see the beauty behind the designed, but as architecture, every inch of the house designs is superb. Glenn had tectonics design in mind when he took his time to design the house. To begin with, Glenn has always had a tradition of using lightweight materials that would allow the design to come out alive. This is because lightweight materials are easy to bend to fit the design. Glenn uses corrugated iron sheet roof top because it would b e easier to form the curved roof structure. This aside he uses wood for the walls and floor because wood is light and easier to deal with as opposed to concrete, bricks or stones. Tectonics is all about merging ideas. Glenn constructs a modern design in a rural area and to ensure that the house is safe from natural forces such as water, the floor is raised and made of wood. In this design, Murcutt manages to blend in myriad details that make the final product a wonderful piece of art. This was a very nice building. Another of Glenn’s greatest tectonic designs of all times is that of the Magney house. This is one of the buildings that he explores the use of mass as an option based on the landscape. Murcutt has always used lightweight materials because they are very easy to work with and they create space even on very small lands. However, in the Magney house, he needed to create some caving and that made the use of mass necessary because they are larger. Their size gives room for play as opposed to thin materials. Glenn takes pleasure in playing with mass and light weight. In the Magney house he creates the cave by using mass for the walls and uses steel frame for the roof plane. This creates the sense of a floating roof3. In the sitting room, Glenn purposes the house for shelter and prospect by making it abstracted. He uses a parasol roof with clustered spaces taking the form of caves and a stretched plain flour. A similar design to this was that of the Laurie short