Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Chess Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Chess - Coursework Example But it is unfortunate that in countries like united Nation it was recognized in the late years. It improves the cognitive ability rational thinking and reasoning even to those children that show low performance in class. Traditional education has not reached the latent energy discovered by the chase. It farther improves logical thinking, instills in the children sense of worth and improves the communication pattern which determines the outcome of the learning process. A part from improving the communication patterns, chess teaches the values like hard work, concentration and objectivity and commitment among the pupils. The concentration level coupled with commitment and objectivity are the basic foundation for good performance. The idea of improved performance is farther supported by the empirical observation in the experiment done in Marina in which it was observed that 55% percent of the students shown significant improvement in the academic performance after smattering chess instruction. Other experiment dines on the same yields the same result. It is therefore evidenced and clearly elaborated to agree with the chess to improve performance base on the above aforementioned

Monday, February 10, 2020

History Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

History - Research Paper Example The paper will illustrate the diverse relationship that exists between Europe and the world and the different historical events that have that occurred in different parts of the world involving Europe. The French are one of the most influential European members having colonized numerous parts in northern, central and eastern Africa. The colonial rule of the French has often been compared with American imperialism. The Americas were once owned by the Europeans themselves before decolonizing, with the United States doing this between 1776 and 1783. Haiti, South and Central America shortly followed the United States and gained their independence from European rule. The loss of control in these parts of the world led the Europeans to focus their sites on Asia and Africa as they were still looking to expand their empire. On the European conquest for Asia, Vietnam was occupied by the French in the year 1858, with an attack on D Nang and the French established full control over the country by the year 1897. The Europeans always looked for places that were of substantial basis and economic value and in the case of Vietnam; rubber was the main economic generator for the country. However, other Asian countries also deemed themselves powerful and the Japanese were able to invade Vietnam and before withdrawing from the country after the Hiroshima catastrophe. However, despite previous Japanese invasion, the French were unwilling to recognize Vietnam as an independent state and this led to a war in which the French army was defeated in 1954. External influence did not end after this war as the American also played a role in the governing of the country to the extent that there was a split between the anti communist and communist parts of the country. The involvement of the United States in and the formation of a partnership with the