Friday, September 27, 2019

Quiz on Plant Biotechnology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Quiz on Plant Biotechnology - Assignment Example In the gene gun (biolistics) method for plant transformation, the DNA is coated specifically on gold particles, so that the gold particles can impact on the Petri-dish, to introduce an interruption of the gel and the callus, so that they are eventually separated from the main DNA components that are within the DNA particle suspension. This disruption is then followed by the migration of the DNA into a plant chromosome derived from the leave, and gets integrated to establish newly genetically modified plant cells, which are then incubated at the right cell growth chambers, to allow the transgenic cells to grow (Clark, n.p.). A reporter gene is the gene that is used to replace the coding region of a DNA sequence, so that it can prevent the normal protein component that is normally fixed in that spot within the gene sequence from attaching at the spot (Plant transformation methods, n.p.). This prevention creates an opportunity for the intended gene to take the spot of the original prote in that needs to be replaced in the gene sequence, eventually producing a new sequence that has the reporter gene as part of the new sequence. ... he ease of introducing a foreign DNA component into an existing plant cell, without the complexity of the process to be followed, which would then introduce more errors, and hinder the successful completion of the process (Clark, n.p.). Secondly, the delivery system should be efficient, meaning that it should consume the least time possible to complete the whole process, considering that the delayed and prolonged process of introducing the foreign gene into an existing plant cell might result to ineffective transformation (Plant transformation methods, n.p.). Finally, the delivery system should be economical both in terms of time and resources consumed, considering that the plant transformation process is a timed process, where there are stipulated time schedules which the process should consume in different stages, being economical in time and resources is key to ensuring that the process is completed within the scheduled time and resource frame. The difference between stable and tr ansient plant transformation is that; in stable plant transformation, the foreign DNA that is introduced is integrated into the plant genome. However, in transient transformation, the foreign DNA that is introduced into the plant is not integrated into the plant genome, and thus the transgenic construct is eventually diluted, and then it is completely lost over time (Plant transformation methods, n.p.). Stable transformation is suitable for application in a situation where there is need to increase the DNA quantity and competence, considering that stable transformation entails the introduction of naked DNA to allow for exogenous uptake of DNA from the environment (Clark, n.p.). On the other hand, transient transformation can be applied where there is no great need for high quantity DNA, and

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