Thursday, October 17, 2019

Family Court of Western Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Family Court of Western Australia - Essay Example Court Officials and Counselling Service Staff of the Court gained new insights and skills in these very complex scenarios of family break-ups and litigation. The need to liase more closely with internal as well as outside service providers, such as counsellors, social workers, psychologists, and other experts, brought a greater feeling of common purpose and it was soon clear that a potential model of an integrated family court system was beginning to emerge. The Family Court of Australia was intended to be seen as a â€Å"helping court† with an informal and user-friendly approach, but this soon changed as formalising occurred naturally in response to intense emotional circumstances which would inevitably arise in cases of family especially where prevailing legal activities tended to result in adversarial stances on the part of litigants. It was felt that the system was still limited and the Family Court on its own could not achieve outcomes that would benefit all parties, but particularly the children. In view of the growing number of applications for divorce and threat of disintegration of society, it was felt that greater use should be made of professionals from the social sciences, including psychologists, social workers, and child specialists.

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